Page 38 - Investment Advisor September 2022
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voices of change-making advisors creating meaningful impact Initiative’ eased the challenges and uncertainties brought on
through podcasts,” it said. The awards included three cat- by COVID-19 and helped our team, clients and community
egories: Diversity and Inclusion for advisors “showing the celebrate a deep appreciation for family and the important
industry what DEI truly looks like;” Happy Client for advi- people in our lives, as we continued to maintain our socially
sors “leading with authenticity and helping clients live more distanced lifestyle.”
fulfilled lives;” and Pitch Your Podcast for advisors “eager to With a deep commitment to financial literacy, the firm
launch a new podcast concept.” “guides clients, prospective clients, investors and would-be
FiComm says this initiative is “well aligned with its mis- investors to explore their purpose, master their money mind-
sion to expand the impact of financial advice by helping set, and feel confident about investing so they can boldly step
firms develop their own authentic stories, express them into the fulfilling future they imagine.”
with a digital-first approach, and align across the business
to drive growth.” Hightower Advisors
In the past 12 months, Hightower has
Fiduciary Financial Advisors “built out its unique in-house mar-
Fiduciary Financial Advisors aims to pri- keting consulting group dedicated
oritize both the client’s best interest and to helping [its] advisors attract new clients through easy-to-
the financial advisor’s interest. “That dual deploy digital marketing,” it explained. Under the leadership
objective is achieved by providing clients a lower out-of-pock- of Meghan McCartan, Hightower’s managing director and
et fee structure, a wider suite of services spanning both invest- head of marketing, the program leverages thought leadership
ment management and financial planning while prioritizing to engage clients and prospects.
the client’s best interest via the commitment to advising in a Most financial advisors run their practices as small busi-
fiduciary capacity,” it said. nesses, “with limited resources and expertise to develop
The firm says it “remains committed to preserving a sophisticated content and collateral that will allow them to
maximum assets under management fee of 0.95% annually, deepen their relationships with existing clients and prospect
while offering both advisors and clients the flexibility of for new ones,” Hightower explained. “To address this for
alternative fee options and an ever increasing scope-of- Hightower advisors, [McCartan] and her 20-person marketing
work capability, which over the past 12 months has included team have created a unique, customizable content community
the additions of professional trustee services, outsourced that helps them share timely, relevant insights and connect
CFO consulting, business owner exit and pre-exit planning,” with clients and potential clients.”
for instance.
Incedo Inc.
FMG Incedo works “to develop platforms and
With the Security and Exchange Commission’s solutions that contextualize the applica-
adoption of a modernized marketing rule, tion of artificial intelligence to make a direct impact on wealth
advisors “quickly gained access to new marketing strate- management firms’ performance,” the firm said. In May, it
gies and opportunities — specifically through testimonials launched Incedo Lighthouse and announced the opening of
and reviews,” said the firm, which specializes in marketing the Center of Excellence in Guadalajara, Mexico.
software and services. “To help advisors navigate these new “Incedo provides personalized solutions on top of its pro-
opportunities, FMG created a series of content focused on the prietary AI-powered decision automation platform — Incedo
benefits and best practices of acquiring and using testimonials Lighthouse — to positively impact the advisor and client
in marketing.” journey while optimizing the operational decisions in associ-
Through webinars, white papers, and blog and video ated workflows,” it explained. The program has helped the
content, FMG built thought leadership around the SEC’s companies that have deployed the platform “by increasing the
marketing rule. “Reviews and testimonials can impact lead average revenue per customer,” for instance.
generation and local SEO. They can also provide additional
resources for advisors to showcase their firm in their market- Innovator Capital Management
ing,” added FMG. (Innovator ETFs)
Innovator “created the defined-out-
Hammond Iles Wealth Advisors come ETF category in 2018 and … has made the buffer
The team at Hammond Iles Wealth ETFs a go-to strategy for advisors’ portfolio risk management
Advisors works to “awaken dreams and and behavioral investing discussions they have with clients,”
empower investors across three generations to live a life of according to the firm. Earlier this year, it had 88 ETFs and over
freedom and fulfillment,” it said. “Our ‘Focus on Families $6.3 billion in assets under management.