Page 37 - Investment Advisor September 2022
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Thought Leadership
continuously increase knowledge and improve retention. Ed Slott & Company
The result is that advisors can confidentially diversify Nearly 48 million American house-
their investments, comply with continuing education man- holds own individual retirement
dates, and ultimately grow their businesses by meeting accounts, which are subject to a complex web of tax laws.
the demands of next-generation clients receiving wealth “One single misstep can mean crippling retirement dreams
transfer,” it stated. and generational legacies,” according to the firm. Ed Slott and
Company, which “has taught millions of Americans (and their
Carver Financial Services financial professionals) how to get the most out of their retire-
Carver Financial Services says it aims ment savings,” says it launched its IRA Success program — an
“to be one of the most highly edu- on-demand, CE-approved, 12-course program — last year in
cated independent offices in the country” and holds weekly cooperation with The American College of Financial Services.
classes in its offices to provide ongoing education. “Everyone “It is the first of its kind, being an e-learning program
in our training program passed or is on schedule to pass the on IRA distribution planning from two financial education
graduate-level designations,” it added. leaders combining the expertise and clear-cut language of
The firm is now launching the New Beginning Initiative America’s IRA Expert Ed Slott, CPA, and his team with The
to offer residents in Lake County, Ohio, “support to American College of Financial Services’ pedigree in e-learning
overcome barriers that prevent them from finding or design and delivery,” the firm added.
keeping employment.” It hopes this program “can then
serve as a proof of concept for communities across the Edelman Financial Engines
United States.” Financial education has always
been “at the heart of the Edelman Financial Engines platform,”
Commonwealth Financial Network the firm says, and it has “provided a steady stream of education
Commonwealth Financial Network is “com- to both clients and the public through email, social media, a
mitted to educating breakaway advisors about monthly newsletter, its weekly radio show and podcast, videos,
the path to independence,” it said. The firm’s and webinars.”
Commonsense Guide to Independence program serves In November, EFE developed Your Finances in Focus, a one-
“as an objective resource to help employer-based chan- day virtual workplace program, and in December, it launched
nel advisors who are looking to build their own prac- Everyday Wealth — a nationally syndicated weekly radio show
tice.” It includes educational videos, quizzes, checklists and podcast hosted by Soledad O’Brien and Jean Chatzky,
and articles. “exploring important financial decisions and how they affect
Commonwealth aims for its thought leadership to help our lives,” it says. “Jean and Soledad are joined by an EFE
breakaway advisors “make informed decisions about going wealth planner to discuss current events, policy updates and
independent, better understand the support they’ll need, life changes impacting our financial well-being, covering a
the importance of choosing the right partner, learn what range of topics, such as wealth management and generational
needs to happen before opening the doors of their own firm, planning, retirement income and tax-efficient investing.”
and what success looks like as they grow their practice,”
according to the firm. Ethic
Ethic is a leading independent provider of
DPL Financial Partners direct indexing strategies for financial intermediaries. It says
DPL Financial Partners says it undertook two its scalable technology platform works with “clients’ unique
major new education initiatives last year: the sustainability, financial, charitable giving, and tax management
rollout of a suite of Product Discovery Tools preferences.” In addition, the firm is “committed to providing
that help advisors find, evaluate and compare insurance advisors with the tools and resources they need to enhance
and annuity products — so they can be used successfully their understanding of sustainability concepts and deepen
in retirement plans; and the launch of DPL University their relationships with clients.” Ethic adds that it aims to “har-
(DPLU), a flexible learning platform for advisors who ness the power of storytelling to inform, educate and inspire
want to raise their insurance game. The firm “meets advi- widespread action around a number of pressing global issues.”
sors where they are in terms of their needs and under-
standing, to ensure they can access the right information, FiComm Partners
at the right time, in the right format. This commitment In 2021, FiComm — a marketing and PR firm
to success through education is not new at DPL and specializing in the independent wealth man-
extends to DPL’s staff, partners and the wider industry,” agement space — launched its first Advisor
it explained. Podcast Awards program to “recognize the