Page 21 - Investment Advisor September 2022
P. 21

•  They may be hard to get out of:   or will retire soon because they provide   Also  called  a  straight  life  annuity,  a
                     Particularly when it comes to an   some  downside  protection  while  offer-  single life annuity can provide for lon-
                     immediate annuity, a  client  may   ing an opportunity for more growth than   gevity when there are no other depen-
                     not be able to get their lump sum   a fixed annuity.            dents  in  the  picture.  The  biggest  pro
                     of money back or pass it along to   A qualified annuity is a retirement   is that this kind of annuity tends to
                     a beneficiary with any ease — or   savings plan that you can contrib-  offer the highest monthly payout. But it
                     even at all.                  ute to with pretax dollars, such as a   doesn’t provide a death benefit or other
                                                   401(k), 403(b) or individual retirement   support  to  a  surviving  spouse  or  other
                 ANNUITY TYPES                     account (IRA).                    family members.
                 Fixed annuities promise a stated, guar-  A  tax-sheltered  annuity  (TSA)
                 anteed  rate of return  on contributions.   is a type of qualified annuity. It’s an   TAX, OTHER ISSUES
                 The annuity contract will stipulate this   employee benefit specifically offered   Annuities don’t serve as a tax-avoidance
                 rate of return from the outset,                                             mechanism, though they do
                 and you can expect that same    While there are a lot of                    offer tax-deferred invest-
                 rate for the duration of the                                                ment growth. Withdrawals
                 contract.                    benefits to annuities, there                   from most annuities will be
                   Indexed annuities are                                                     taxed  as  income,  although
                 basically the annuity ver-  are nuances to consider, such                   withdrawals from nonquali-
                 sion of an index fund. These                                                fied variable annuities will be
                 annuity contracts pay returns  as complicated fee structures                taxed as capital gains, which
                 based on the performance of      and tax implications.                      is often a lower rate. There is
                 an index, so returns won’t be                                               no way to completely avoid
                 as predictable as with a fixed                                              paying taxes on an annuity.
                 annuity. When the index declines, the   to employees of public schools and   Taking money out of an annuity early
                 annuity holder will receive a minimum   other tax-exempt organizations such   can lead to large penalties, so it’s impor-
                 rate of return, which can range from   as nonprofits.               tant to choose an appropriate annuity
                 0% to as high as 3%.                A nonqualified annuity is funded with   term and avoid cracking open this egg
                   A variable annuity is also pegged to   money  you’ve  already  paid  taxes  on.   early. The maturity date on an annuity
                 investment performance. To the extent   When you start withdrawing from your   will depend on the type of annuity cho-
                 that an indexed annuity is similar to an   annuity, you won’t have to pay taxes on   sen; in the case of an immediate annuity,
                 index fund, variable annuities are similar   the principal, only on the earnings.   withdrawals can take place right away
                 to active mutual funds. Many annuities   While many people choose deferred   without penalties.
                 offer a return of premium, meaning you   annuities  —  so  there’s  time between   The value of an annuity will vary
                 don’t lose your initial investment, but if   the accumulation phase and the payout   widely depending on what kind it is. An
                 the value of the underlying investments   phase of the annuity — that doesn’t   annuity calculator can help you and your
                 plummets, you might  earn nothing in   always  have to  be  the  case.  With  an   client predict how much an annuity will
                 terms of growth. Variable annuities also   immediate annuity, someone can depos-  pay over time, how long the withdrawals
                 tend to come with higher fees.    it a large lump sum into an annuity in   will last, how much starting principal
                   Structured annuities are tied to par-  exchange for long-term cash flow.   your  client  needs  to  achieve  a  certain
                 ticular indexes such as the S&P 500 or   Immediate annuities can be a good   level of ongoing “income” and what
                 MSCI EAFE, but you can change your   fit for those who need the money right   growth rate would be required for them
                 investment strategy during the lifespan   away, like if they’re entering retirement.   to hit their goals.
                 of the annuity. Structured annuities   Compared with a deferred annuity,   For some people, annuities are too
                 allow policyholders to potentially earn   there will be less time for the annuity   expensive and complicated, especially
                 higher gains than with an indexed annu-  company  to  invest  and  increase  your   since  they  yield  less  than  investing  in
                 ity — the trade-off being that they can   contributions, so future payments will   the market directly. For other people,
                 also cause policyholders to lose money,   generally be smaller than if you paid in   annuities can be a much-needed way to
                 like with a variable annuity. They may   the same amount of money but left more   ensure their financial viability for their
                 make sense for people who are retired   time for earnings growth.   golden years.

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