Page 37 - Investment Advisor June 2022
P. 37


                                                           By Angie Herbers

                 How to Expand Capacity Without

                 Adding Employees

                 Smart firms push decision-making and creative problem-solving

                 to employees, making them more engaged and motivated.

                                                         or most advisor firms, the prin-  amount of time spent on employee man-
                                                         cipal way to sustain organic   agement skyrockets.
                                                   Fgrowth is to add more clients.     In other words, those at the top of the
                                                   To do that, firms need to expand their   leadership structure end up spending a
                                                   capacity, either through hiring more   huge amount of bandwidth — typically
                                                   advisors or building a more effi-  30% to 50% of their time — managing
                                                   cient business.                   employees. This top-down management is
                                                     Many advisory firm leaders will hire   the core reason that firms run into capac-
                                                   first. There is nothing wrong with doing   ity constraints as they grow. If key leaders
                                                   so, but a great many independent firms   must spend a great deal of time managing
                                                   already have the capacity they need to   every employee, it steals time away from
                                                   grow — it’s just a matter of unlocking it.   achieving business growth goals.
                                                   How to do that? Before I tell you, let’s   How do you unlock time for more
                                                   take a step back.                 business management without increas-
                                                     Advisors typically become successful   ing employee management? There’s
                    To achieve sustainable         by spending years helping their clients   no shortcut to fixing this problem. To
                      growth, leaders must         solve many problems, from buying cars   achieve sustainable growth, leaders
                                                                                     must change the ethos of the organiza-
                                                   to funding their retirement. When those
                         change the ethos of       advisors find themselves running a busi-  tion to a decentralized one — one in
                      the organization to a        ness that they’ve built, bought or inher-  which an owner or core group of lead-
                   decentralized one — one         ited,  they automatically  begin  to treat   ers will guide employees at all levels of
                                                   their employees like they treat their
                                                                                     the organization to solve problems and
                      in which an owner or         clients. It just comes naturally.  make  decisions  on  their  own.  Doing
                                                     The problem is, talking to employees
                       core group of leaders       like clients centralizes a firm’s communi-  this requires real commitment, but the
                                                                                     payoff is that it decreases the employ-
                       will guide employees        cation and problem-solving. It becomes   ee management function and instantly
                           at all levels of the    the responsibility of one professional or   frees capacity to grow.

                      organization to solve        a small group of professionals to give the   Here are some tips on getting started:
                                                   solutions. In such cases, we find entire
                                                                                       Choose empathy over giving
                        problems and make          organizations relying heavily on a few   advice. Herbers & Co. conducted a
                    decisions on their own.        people to solve  all the problems they   2022 Leadership Study, and the No.
                                                   encounter, usually in consensus with   1 trait employees were looking for in
                                                   other  leaders,  much  like  they  work  in   their  leader, among both  women and
                                                   consensus with their clients.     men, was empathy. One shortcoming of
                                                     See  the  connection?  How  you com-  many advisory firm leaders is that they
                                                   municate with your clients is not the   truly don’t know how to lead people
                                                   same as how to communicate with your   when they are not giving advice. They’re
                                                   employees. When decision-making and   extremely comfortable guiding clients
                                                   problem-solving ability in a business is   who seek their advice. But applying an
                                                   centralized to key decision-makers, the   advice-giving approach to employees is

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