Page 34 - Investment Advisor June 2022
P. 34

Wealth Management

                 than a company. So whether that client is an independent   which kept it interesting, though it was all unified in a singular
                 advisor or a global bank, we try to humanize their brand by   mission and company.
                 highlighting the people within the firm.             Now I’m working with companies with a [wide range of]
                   I believe that getting visibility for the company’s offer is best   missions and objectives, and one company is different from
                 done through personal stories of the individuals within the   the next. So we’re continuously having to shift gears [serving]
                 companies. What makes these firms thrive and grow is their   slightly different industries, but all within financial services. For
                 people. So we try to tell the story from a personal standpoint.  instance, we’re working with RIAs and ancillary providers who
                                                                    serve ultra-high-net-worth clients and [focusing on] the phil-
                 Stories about their careers and their lives?       anthropic aspect of what they’re trying to do with their legacy.
                 Yes. Everybody has an interesting original story, and we can try
                 to help them tell it to understand what in their life and career   What prompted you to leave Schwab?
                 has led them to the point where they are now. We try to tell   It  was  time  for  a  change.  And  I  had  an  opportunity  to  join
                 a story that’s compelling to help                                       The Rudin Group. I’d known April
                 the marketplace understand who   “Part of the custodian’s role          Rudin for a long time. I was really
                 this person is and why they should                                      interested in the clients she has.
                 care — and therefore, why they  for the last 10 years has been          They’re not only independent
                 should care about their business.  educating the wirehouse              advisors [RIAs] but global banks

                                                                                         services technology companies.
                 Is it challenging to get the      advisors about both the               and broker-dealers, and financial
                 executives to talk about
                 themselves?                      opportunity [afforded by               Has your new job broadened the
                 It can be. Many are very humble.   leaving] and the approach            scope of your work?
                 So it’s sometimes difficult for them                                    Yes, it’s opening new horizons. I
                 to open up and talk about them-   to how to [breakaway]                 thought I would retire from Schwab.
                 selves. Most people, especially                                         I was comfortable. But this growth
                 [many] successful leaders, are reti-  successfully without having       opportunity is the next stage [for
                 cent to do that.                 a regulatory backlash or               me].  The horizon  is much more

                                                                                         of what I see as my personal and pro-
                 In striving for visibility, what do   barriers put up by the            expansive and allows me to use a lot
                 your clients need help with most?                                       fessional strengths in a way I wasn’t
                 They need a differentiated mes-  wirehouses themselves.”                really using them [at Schwab].
                 sage in the crowded marketplace,
                 something that resonates with who their ideal client is and   Speaking of retiring, what do you think of the way retirement
                 how to talk to them.                               planning is handled today?
                                                                    The industry is in need of helping younger people understand
                 Are publications receptive to the storytelling angle, or do they   the [necessity] to start planning sooner. There’s overwhelming
                 say they prefer not to cover the people themselves, just what   compelling  evidence  that  the  sooner  you  start,  you’ll  have  a
                 they’re doing for the firm?                        more comfortable retirement.
                 We can help the publications, or whatever the [business],   But that’s not an easy message to deliver to a young person
                 understand why they should care about [the people aspect].   who has other financial needs and may have a smaller income.
                 It’s not always easy to do, but it’s important for us to help the   It’s hard to help them understand why it’s important to put
                 spokesperson get their story into the [actual] message that   some of that aside when they probably need money for other
                 they want to deliver.                              [things] that are more pressing. This [issue] is a big challenge
                   There’s always a “call to action,” and you want to make sure   in the retirement space right now.
                 that it’s part of the message. That’s best received by doing it in
                 a nuanced, approachable way.                       What could be a solution?
                                                                    [Employers] play a big role. Companies [should] involve the
                 At Schwab, you were working to benefit one company.   employee in a retirement plan [early], help them stay [in it]
                 What’s the main difference with your job at Rudin?  and [have it funded] automatically so the employees don’t even
                 Schwab is multifaceted, so there were a number of different   miss [the money]. More and more companies are stepping up
                 business lines and different types of initiatives and objectives,   and doing that.

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