Page 50 - Investment Advisor June 2021
P. 50


                By Thomas D. Giachetti

                How Will the Pandemic Change Regulation?

                Actions taken over the past year may mean big future shifts, including a

                reduction in compliance costs.

                    t started with fear unlike the mar-                               What might the future hold for reg-
                    kets had ever experienced — a pan-                              ulatory examinations? They become
                Idemic threatening life as we knew                                  more streamlined. There also may be
                it. Advisory firms hunkered down, left                              the option for virtual vs. on-site exams,
                their offices and opted to work remotely.                           especially once it’s realized that on-site
                But they proved resilient, continuing to                            exams only increase regulatory budgets,
                provide seamless services  to  a stressed                           time away from family and enhance
                clientele, albeit with the assistance of                            exam anxiety.
                some amazing technology.                                              In addition is the realization that
                  We saw a massive correction  in the                               many of the standard routine examina-
                stock market only to be followed by his-                            tion issues have run their course, with
                toric gains. What first looked like finan-                          regulators opting to direct their efforts
                cial Armageddon turned to substantial   tions with the assistance of technology.   to  examine  and  confirm  the  critical
                gains for both investors and advisory   What have we learned personally? We   issues (i.e., is the money where it is sup-
                firms alike. Although the pandemic is   can adapt. Good employees can excel in   posed to be, are firms proving services
                not over, with firms gradually returning   the office or remotely; and despite the   reasonably consistent with their Forms
                to the office, it appears that the worst is   tragedy of the pandemic, life goes on.  ADV, and are they maintaining client
                behind us.                          And what have we learned profes-  information  in a  secure  and confiden-
                  I have been a road warrior for more   sionally?                   tial manner). This can be accomplished
                than 30 years, traveling the country to   •  With the advent of some amazing   more effectively and efficiently on a
                meet with and prepare advisory firms   technology, advisors,  their lawyers   remote basis.
                for regulatory examinations. Travel   and consultants and their regula-  But, alas, this changing world — and
                stopped, and even when it started to   tors, can discharge their obligations   ways to do business and regulate from
                resume, firms were (and some rightfully   from home or the office;  afar — brings up other questions. What
                remain) hesitant. I took my first flight   •  Regulators don’t need to physically   about human interaction and the daily
                the last week of April to visit clients in   visit offices to conduct thorough   mix of being within an office — or
                Texas.  I  now  have  booked  flights  for   examinations. To the contrary, per-  will offices become smaller, perhaps
                almost every remaining week in 2021.   haps their ability to more effectively   shrinking advisory firm overhead? Will
                  However, prior to this week, I sat in   and efficiently do so is enhanced by   we permit employees to  continue  to
                my recliner chair conducting those same   the virtual examination format:  work remotely? And when a valued
                meetings, albeit differently, with the   a.  Request and exchange documen-  employee needs to relocate, might
                assistance of technology. My dry clean-  tation electronically;     we opt for retaining that employee
                ing  bill  became  virtually  non-existent.   b.  Conduct interviews using one of   remotely vs. having to find, and train,
                I spent more time with my wife than I   several vendors;            a replacement?
                have during the past 30 years; for that,   c.  Maintain electronic records of   The world has certainly changed.
                I was and am grateful. Although a travel   all exchanged information/docu-  It will be interesting to revisit these
                veteran, it was hard for me to leave on   mentation;                issues one year from now.
                Monday for the airport (I don’t know if   d.  Conduct exit meetings; and,
                my wife shared my emotions).          e.  Send/respond to an exam find-  Thomas D. Giachetti is chairman of the
                  Through it all, regulators did not miss   ings letter (perhaps, for those   Investment Management and Securities
                a beat. They continued examining advi-  well prepared, no responses will   Practice Group of Stark & Stark. He can be   Adobe Stock
                sory firms, opting for remote examina-  be necessary).              reached at [email protected].

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