Page 47 - Investment Advisor June 2021
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algorithms, intellectual property and   money be pulled from Roth IRAs or   assets,” he says. After all, “people want
                economic strategies to extend the lon-  taxable  accounts?  When should a cli-  to  get  paid  for  their  time.  You  have  to
                gevity of portfolios. For 30 years, he   ent  claim  Social  Security  or  take  their   pay more for decumulation advice than
                has been training students and advisors   pension early? Should a 401(k) be rolled   accumulation advice. So prepare clients
                alike on new ideas, new directions and   into an IRA or be kept in the plan? What   who have become accustomed to pay-
                new products in the retirement, and   about annuities?              ing very little for accumulation advice,
                decumulation, arena.                                                that decumulation advice is a lot more
                                                  4% RULE IS A GOOD START           expensive. … That’s why you don’t want
                RETIREMENT PLANNING VS.           For decumulation, advisors need “a   to call it retirement planning.”
                DECUMULATION                      powerful, robust dashboard to help   This also means, he adds, that robo-
                Drawing down wealth and retiring from   them with this complex problem; it’s   advisors will face challenges in this
                the workforce are two dif-                                                  phase as decumulation has to
                ferent events that take place   Decumulation, for its part, is              be more tailored and unique
                simultaneously,  Milevsky                                                   to the individual. “So I’m
                explains. Economists have    a mathematical problem —                       preparing the masses as they
                finally realized two things:   a process far more complex                   age,” he says. “It’s going to be
                People don’t necessarily retire                                             more expensive to get guid-
                all at once, and many people   than the process of saving                   ance, and rightfully so.”
                “don’t hate work as much
                as economists might think,   and investing for retirement,                  WATCH INTEREST RATES
                because some of us derive                                                   We also asked the finance
                social engagement from it,” he        Milevsky says.                        professor what he thought
                told Investment Advisor. “We                                                about the aging bull market.
                like seeing people outside our family, as   no different than building portfolios,”   “Nothing shocks me anymore,” he said
                COVID  has  taught  us,  and  we  actually   Milevsky explains.     of stocks’ recent trajectory, but he did
                like what we do.”                   In  the  old  days,  he  says,  brokers   recommend that advisors keep their eye
                  In short, decision-making on how   would recommend stocks. Then they   on long-term interest rates.
                and when to retire is a “a sociologi-  realized  they  couldn’t  build  portfolios   “Interest rates are at such low levels
                cal/psychological problem” that is   one stock at a time so began to study   and all assets are appreciating because
                more  complicated  than it might seem.   asset classes, correlation structures   income is becoming more expensive,”
                A financial advisor, particularly a young   and historical returns as they moved to   he said. “If you’re looking for a predic-
                one, trying to counsel a retiree on life-  asset allocation.        tion, keep your eye on the long-term
                style issues may come off as “vacuous,”   “It’s become a much more quantita-  bond market. That’s going to become
                Milevsky says.                    tive and certainly a much more sophis-  the bellwether. When long-term inter-
                  Instead, he says, advisors need to   ticated process,” he said. He points   est rates start to head up, that’s not good
                “stick to their knitting” and “draw a   out that the 4% withdrawal rule “is a   for a lot of things, which is why the Fed
                line around what they have expertise   great conversation starter” and a good   is working so hard to keep that number
                in and get better at that, and vice versa.   way to educate a client. But it doesn’t   down. If six months from now we’re still
                [They should] partner with profession-  stop there.                 at 2%, 1.5%, then yeah, this bull market
                als in related fields to deal with these                            will continue. But if suddenly that num-
                other fields.”                    CHARGE MORE FOR                   ber increases quickly, then I’ll become
                  Decumulation, for its part, is a math-  DECUMULATION ADVICE       very bearish.”
                ematical problem — a process far more   “[Decumulation is] an expensive and
                complex than the process of saving and   elaborate process,” he explains. “It takes   Washington Bureau Chief Melanie Waddell
                investing for retirement, he says — it’s   time. It’s more complex, time consum-  can be reached at [email protected]. Janet
                “the process of figuring out how much   ing, and who is going to compensate the   Levaux is editor-in-chief of Investment
                to take out of my accounts every year   financial advisor for this time-consum-  Advisor. She can be reached at jlevaux@
                and which accounts I should take them   ing process?”      Ginger Szala is managing editor
                from in the most tax-efficient manner.”  The answer isn’t “a minimum trail fee   of Investment Advisor Group. She can be
                  This has several facets: Should the   or [being] paid on some small fraction of   reached at [email protected].

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