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that’s a long way out, a lot of changes.”  these new limits would be utilized in   $126,000),” LaBrecque said. “With infla-
                  Slott added: “My feeling is they   scale, if passed.”             tion rearing its ugly head, we need to
                should just kill lifetime RMDs all   Also, McKenna opined, “raising the   save more and this helps.”
                together; there’s no need for any age,   RMD age would only put added pres-
                for anybody to take lifetime RMDs any-  sure on generating additional tax reve-  LIVING LONGER
                more; [Congress] took care of that in   nue from income or capital gains. I don’t   Sarah Carlson, an advisor at Fulcrum
                the Secure Act when they put it [at a]   think the cost-benefit is there for most   Financial Group in Spokane, Washington,
                10-year end date for most non-spouse   workers, especially when there’s no tell-  opined  that  raising  the  RMD  age  and
                beneficiaries. So the money has to come   ing what the tax code will be when the   expanding the automatic enrollment for
                out — other than a spouse, for non-  RMD age applies to them.”      retirement plans “makes sense,” as “peo-
                spouse beneficiaries by the end of the   Leon LaBrecque, chief growth Officer   ple are living so much longer than their
                10th year after death. So why bother   at Sequoia Financial Group in Troy,   ancestors and many need to work longer
                raising  the  age  and  causing  all  these   Michigan, said Secure 2.0 “will let us   to build up assets for non-working years.”
                complications and annoy-                                                         Too many people, she
                ances for other people?”  While “allowing individuals to save                  said, “are not prepared for
                  Still, raising the RMD                                                       the rising cost of living
                age does have “some        more for retirement is clearly a                    and long-term care costs.
                advantages,” Slott contin-                                                     … Similarly, expanding the
                ued. “But the longer you   good thing … the way the bill has                   automatic enrollments for
                put it off, the larger the IRA   proposed accommodating that is                retirement plans make it
                grows and the more has to                                                      automatic and due to lack
                come out once you hit 73, 74   likely to confuse many investors.”              of financial literacy, too
                or 75,” he said. “So people                                                    many people don’t proac-
                could be facing larger bills         —Kristin McKenna,                         tively save.”
                later in life as the account                                                     Walters of Summit Hill
                grows. But for most people     Darrow Wealth Management                        Wealth Partners, who
                it doesn’t help.”                                                              advises companies with
                  According to the IRS, 80% of the   potentially take money out later (at 75)   retirement plans, agreed that the auto-
                people “take the RMD amount or more   put more in (in a weird rule for 62-64   enrollment and auto-escalate features
                because they need the money,” Slott said.   year old, but not 65).”  “are a fantastic way to help workers,
                “So telling them they don’t have to take   “The catch up for 62-64 is great, but   particularly younger workers, save for
                money they need doesn’t do anybody   makes no logical sense,” LaBrecque said.   retirement without feeling too big of a
                any favors. It only helps the people who   “We  now  have  another  ‘donut  hole’:  I   financial pinch.”
                don’t need the money, which means they   can do a ‘regular’ make-up from 50 to   Secure 2.0 requires 401(k) and 403(b)
                probably have larger IRAs and they’ll be   61, increase it from 62 through 64 and   plans to automatically enroll participants
                facing bigger tax bills later.”   drop it back by 65. I’m perplexed by the   when they become eligible; employees
                                                  65 rule: It has no correlation to other   may opt out of coverage. The initial auto-
                CONFUSING RULES                   provisions (except Medicare, which is   matic enrollment amount is at least 3%
                Kristin McKenna, managing director at   illogical). If you were 65 in 2021, you   but no more than 10%, then each year that
                Darrow Wealth Management in Boston,   were born in 1956, and as such, can’t   amount is increased by 1% until it reaches
                said that while “allowing individuals   even collect your full Social Security   10%. All current 401(k) and 403(b) plans
                to save more for retirement is clearly a   benefit. The drafters should just allow   are grandfathered. There is an exception
                good thing … the way the bill has pro-  an enhanced make up for 62 and older.”  for small businesses with 10 or fewer
                posed accommodating that is likely to   From a policy perspective, however,   employees, new businesses (i.e., have
                confuse many investors.”          it “is great idea to allow more older   been in business for less than three years),
                  For instance, it may be a challenge   Americans to save more. Too many peo-  church plans and governmental plans.
                for them to fully grasp details about   ple are no longer in defined benefit   “This change could have a massive
                “the annual indexing for catch-up con-  plans and will rely on savings to retire,”   impact on how well prepared Americans
                tributions, what you can contribute at   LaBrecque continued.       will be for retirement in coming
                50  versus  from  61  to  62,  and  the  vari-  A Federal Reserve Survey of   decades,” Walters said.
                ous RMD breakpoints over the next 11   Consumer Finances shows “that the
                years,”  said McKenna.  “With  so  many   average 64-74 year old has only $358,000   Washington Bureau Chief Melanie Waddell can
                rules to remember, I’m unsure whether   saved for retirement (median is a scary   be reached at [email protected].

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