Page 39 - Investment Advisor June 2021
P. 39


                                                          By Melanie Waddell

                Reactions From the Front to Secure 2.0

                The sweeping retirement bill still has to be passed by Congress, yet many
                provisions have caused confusion, say experts.

                                                         he unanimous passage by    it advances toward passage.”
                                                         the House Ways and Means     IRA and tax specialist Ed Slott of Ed
                                                  TCommittee on May 5 of the        Slott & Co., said that the unanimous
                                                  sweeping retirement bill, H.R. 2954, the   passage of the bill by Ways and Means
                                                  Securing a Strong Retirement Act of   signals likely passage by the full House.
                                                  2021, dubbed the Secure Act 2.0, spurred   “There’s nothing politically controver-
                                                  rounds of applause in the retirement   sial in here,” he said.
                                                  planning community, but some provi-
                                                  sions left advisors scratching their heads.   RMDs EXPANDED
                                                    Secure 2.0 raises the  required  mini-  One of the most talked about provisions
                                                  mum distribution age from 72 to 75 over   of the bill is the increase in the required
                                                  10 years, expands automatic enrollment   minimum distribution age from 72 to
                                                  in retirement plans and enhances 403(b)   75. Under current law, participants are
                                                  plans, among other provisions, and is   generally required to begin taking dis-
                                                  now on its way to the full House.   tributions from their retirement plans
                IRA and tax specialist            D-Mass., said May 5 during the markup   at age 72, an increase ushered in by the
                                                    Committee Chairman Richard Neal,
                                                                                    Secure Act.
                    Ed Slott of Ed Slott          that he is “really proud of this bipartisan   Secure 2.0 increases the RMD age
                     & Co., said that the         work,” that went into Secure Act 2.0,   further to 73 starting on Jan. 1, 2022; to
                                                  noting a special thanks to Committee
                                                                                    74 starting on Jan. 1, 2029; and 75 start-
                   unanimous passage              Ranking Member Kevin Brady, R-Texas.   ing on Jan. 1, 2032.
                                                    The bill, Neal said, will “help Americans
                                                                                      Eric Walters, managing partner and
                     of the bill by Ways          prepare for a financially secure retire-  founder of Summit Hill Wealth Partners
                     and Means signals            ment,” and builds on “the landmark pro-  in Greenwood Village, Colorado, told me
                                                                                    in an email that he believes Secure 2.0 “is
                                                  visions” in the Setting Every Community
                  likely passage by the           Up for Retirement Enhancement     a good  step towards helping  American
                    full House. “There’s          (Secure) Act of 2019, which Neal called   save more for retirement and adjusting
                                                                                    our system for increases in lifespan and
                                                  “the  most  significant  retirement  legisla-
                     nothing politically          tion to become law in over a decade.”  investment options.”
                                                                                      Walters opined that “slowly increas-
                                                    The Bipartisan Policy Center in
                controversial in here,”           Washington noted after the bill’s pas-  ing the start date of required mini-
                                    he said.      sage that saving for retirement “consis-  mum distributions from 72 to 75 allows
                                                                                    workers to continue to work and earn
                                                  tently ranks as Americans’ top financial
                                                  worry. With reserves in Social Security’s   money towards retirement while con-
                                                  trust fund dwindling, life expectancies   trolling when and how they use their
                                                  generally  increasing,  and  health  care   retirement funds.”
                                                  costs rising, policymakers must remain   Slott, however, reiterated his view that
                                                  focused on these critical issues.”  raising the RMD age is confusing. “This
                                                    Secure 2.0 “is an important step, but it   whole business with raising the RMD
                                                  cannot be the last one,” said Shai Akabas,   age — it went from 70 ½, the Secure Act
                                                  director of economic policy for the BPC.   put it to 72, that confused a lot of people;
                                                  “I hope this promising legislation will   … then they [Congress] say they’re going
                                                  continue to be refined and improved as   to go to 73, then 74, then 75 in 10 years —

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