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Jan. 27) and then fell to $53.50 on Feb.   or December, he says. “So there is   long-term returns and rising rates are
                4. Had the advisor sold then with the   an opportunity, a window to harvest   also a headwind for both income inves-
                loss and parked the money for 30 days in   those losses.”           tors … and corporate margins.”
                another stock, ETF or cash, they could   Advisors need to be “tax-smart  in
                have reinvested in GameStop if inter-  everything [they] are doing,” Klapprodt   KEEP A ‘VALUE MINDSET’
                ested 31 days later — around March 8,   said. Therefore, when buying and selling   Sonders says that investors “should have
                when it was at $246.90.           stocks, “do it with a notion of tax-loss   a value mindset but not put blinders on.”
                  The  advisor  generates  the  losses   harvesting.  We  encourage  advisors  to   That doesn’t mean buying a major stock
                now because they  don’t know where   think about the client tax bill and what   market value index, she said, but having
                GameStop is going to be in November   they can do to minimize it.”  a “focus on the actual fundamentals of
                                                                                    growth and value for a stock.”
                                                                                      She recommends a combination of
                Schwab’s Sonders: Where to                                          passive and active investing because the
                                                                                    latter can address the higher correlation
                Invest as S&P Tops 4,000                                            that’s  apparent now  across  and within
                                                                                    asset classes as well as the wider disper-
                                                                                    sion of potential returns among stocks.
                    he S&P 500 index set record                                       “The biggest risk for the market is
                Thighs, buoyed by growing opti-                                     speculative excess … We learned in the
                mism about economic growth. The $1.9                                late 90s and early 2000 periods that
                trillion economic relief plan signed                                speculative excess doesn’t make a lot
                by President Joe Biden in March                                     of fundamental sense but can last a
                coupled with his plans to spend even                                long time.”
                more ($2.25 trillion) on infrastructure                               From a more fundamental view, she
                investment  and  the  growing  number                               noted that U.S. stock market is less over-
                of Americans vaccinated for COVID-19                                valued today than in the fourth quarter
                underpin that optimism.                                             of 2020, based on the forward price-to-
                  But  there  are  growing  questions                               earnings ratio of around 23 despite the
                about how far the rally can go and                                  excessive speculation in low quality sec-
                how long it can last and whether the                                tor of the market and the popularity of
                some parts of the U.S. stock market are   Morningstar analyst Dave Sekera   special purpose acquisition  companies
                overvalued. That said, some sectors of   writes in his Quarter-End Insights   (SPACs), which are shell companies in
                the stock market may have more room   report that the broad U.S. equity market   search of investment targets.
                to  run,  Liz  Ann  Sonders,  chief  invest-  is 3% overvalued even after account-  Sonders noted she’s “not saying the
                ment strategist at Charles Schwab, tells   ing “for a strong economic resurgence   market is cheap,” but she’s not con-
                Investment Advisor.               in 2020” that carries over into 2021,   cerned about valuations like she was in
                                                  but  many  individual  stocks  are  not,   2000. She expects a “pop in inflation
                WHAT HISTORY AND                  including many value stocks, which   in conjunction with a huge surge in
                VALUATIONS TELL US                have outperformed year to date. “Value   growth,” which also will raise rates, but
                Nicholas Colas, co-founder of DataTrek   stocks should benefit from the strong   isn’t concerned about systemic  wage
                Research, notes in his latest briefing
                                                  economic resurgence in 2021 and 2022
                                                                                    price inflation.
    Wood photo: Courtesy of ARK Invest  500 to post double-digit gains three   stocks to outperform.”  stock market today, Sonders said Schwab
                                                  … but … we no longer expect small-cap
                                                                                      As for where she sees value in the
                report that it’s very unusual for the S&P
                                                    However, “it’s not all blue skies,”
                                                                                    rates the financial and health care sec-
                years in a row — it gained 31.2% and 18%
                                                                                    tors as outperformers and utilities and
                                                  writes Bank of America Securities strat-
                in 2019 and 2020, respectively — though
                not unheard of. “Could that happen
                                                                                    consumer staples as underperformers
                                                  egists  in  a  market  note.  “The  market
                again with an accommodative Fed and
                                                                                    over the next months. She also favors
                                                  appears to already be pricing in addi-
                                                                                    small-caps, which are “more levered to
                                                  tional stimulus and the focus is shifting
                a Democratic President and Congress
                                                                                    the pickup in the economy,” but only
                pushing for more fiscal aid? Yes, as long
                                                  to paying it back (i.e., higher taxes).
                                                  Valuations  today  are  signaling  anemic
                as rates don’t rise too high,” writes Colas.
                                                                                    quality small-caps.
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