Page 14 - Investment Advisor April/May 2023
P. 14


                 By John Manganaro

                 Solving the Retirement-Income Puzzle:

                 Wade Pfau Speaks Out on a New Approach

                 Years of work have created the tools necessary to provide retirement-
                 income planning at scale, according to the industry veteran.

                       o mark his departure from full-
                       time academic work, Wade Pfau,
                 Tthe long-time professor at the
                 American College of Financial Services
                 and widely respected retirement income
                 guru,  took a  moment  to reflect  on this
                 personal  and  professional  milestone  —
                 and to share some expectations for what
                 comes next.
                   Recently,  Pfau announced his decision
                 to focus on the development and deploy-
                 ment of the Retirement Income Style
                 Awareness program, which he launched
                 in 2021 alongside fellow retirement
                 income researcher Alex Murguia. The
                 RISA program is built on the academic   a holistic way that effective solutions   professionally qualified to give financial
                 work of Pfau and Murguia, and it oper-  are created.                advice. As a researcher, that was just an
                 ates under the hypothesis that there are   While he was quick to emphasize   intriguing thing, and it underscored how
                 multiple retirement income “styles” to be   that the RISA framework represents a   complex and challenging the income
                 found among large groups of investors.  “good starting point” for income plan-  planning topic could be.
                   Even more important than the iden-  ning discussions, Pfau said he hopes the   There is a lot of work left to do, but
                 tification of these styles is the well-sup-  approach could soon become a go-to   we have made progress over the past
                 ported  hypothesis  that  an  individual’s   tool for financial planners helping their   decade when it comes to defining key
                 awareness of their preferred style will   clients enact the transition from accu-  terms and concepts that are involved in
                 lead to a more satisfying retirement   mulation to sustainable spending.  income planning. People have also come
                 and better financial outcomes. As Pfau                              to understand that the inherent com-
                 explained, getting people to understand   Can you tell us a little bit about   plexity of retirement income planning
                 and embrace their personal retirement   how much the topic of “retirement   stems from multiple sources of interre-
                 income style helps them stay the course   income” has evolved in your time as   lated uncertainty. We don’t know what
                 and avoid making wealth mistakes based   a researcher?              is going to happen in the markets, and
                 on fear or other emotions.        Yes, and the short answer is that it has   we don’t know what our own futures
                   During  the interview,  Pfau said  he   changed tremendously. When I first   will bring, and so there is just so much
                 was both gratified and excited to be at   started looking at the topics of  retirement   uncertainty to deal with.
                 a point in his career where the topic of   and financial planning more than a   Thinking about this is what really
                 retirement income is now solvable at   decade ago, there was just a huge amount   inspired the RISA framework to begin
                 scale. As Pfau explained, the complexity   of basic disagreement that existed.  with. We don’t have one single answer
                 of retirement income  planning  from a   You could ask simple questions about   or superior approach to income plan-
                 research and practical perspective stems   the best way to help a given individual   ning. What we need is a workable,
                 from multiple sources of interrelated   navigate their retirement, and you would   flexible framework that really helps
                 uncertainty,  and  it  is  only  by  carefully   get completely different answers about   people think about and navigate a very   Adobe Stock
                 identifying and tackling the problem in   what to do, all from people who were   complex situation.

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