Page 13 - Investment Advisor April/May 2023
P. 13

Megan Hausmann, director of Advisory
                 Success at Apex, and Brian Morgan,
                 director of product for Orion. Apex and
                 Orion have worked together to create
                 an automated account opening solution
                 that’s  paired with a  financial planning
                 workflow process.
                   With Apex as the custodian, advisors
                 are  able  to  send  a  link  to  clients  and
                 prospects and have them provide some
                 basic information. Clients and pros-
                 pects then receive a financial plan that
                 features various model portfolios set
                 up by advisors or available via Orion’s
                 model marketplace, Communities. Next,   “The number-one aspect that clients
                 accounts  are  opened  and  funded  via
                 Apex technology  and APIs,  which are      want from their advisor is that
                 integrated into Orion’s client portal.
                   According to Hausmann, this solu-  the advisor understands them deeply.”
                 tion  provides advisors  with the  ability
                 to expand their reach and work with                    —Daniel Crosby
                 smaller clients with asset levels typically
                 below their minimums. It also provides   noted. To help advisors develop a better   we couldn’t do this alone, so for each
                 advisors with a modern, digital experi-  awareness of their clients’ needs, Crosby   item we accomplished, we would help a
                 ence that can help them attract younger   has created a number of new behav-  stranger [complete] their own” dreams,
                 clients and advisors.             ioral finance tools, including a broader   too, Nemtin said.
                                                   way to discuss risk through a “3D risk   Based on the group’s initial suc-
                 CROSBY, OTHER SPEAKERS            questionnaire” and the “BeFi 20” client   cess and notoriety for achieving highly
                 One of the big benefits of Orion’s 2020   assessment tool.          unlikely goals — such as playing basket-
                 merger with Brinker Capital was the   These  resources  are part of the   ball with Barack Obama, being guests on
                 addition  of Brinker’s focus on  behav-  recently launched Orion Advisor   Oprah, delivering a baby and having a
                 ioral finance, led  by popular psycholo-  Academy, which offers financial profes-  beer with Prince Harry — Nemtin and his
                 gist Daniel Crosby. Crosby, who is now   sionals access to tools, templates and   friends turned this project into a 10-year
                 Orion’s chief behavioral officer, is hav-  behavioral finance research, as well as   journey that ultimately became “The
                 ing a big influence on how Orion frames   continuing education credits.  Buried Life” series  on MTV, as  well  as
                 its many technological capabilities.  The Orion Ascent conference is also   a book, speaking tour and documentary.
                   Crosby’s “Protect, Live, Dream”   known  for  its  non-traditional  keynote   For advisors working to help clients
                 approach aims to help investor clients   speakers that bring fun and inspira-  achieve their hopes and dreams, Nemtin
                 “bucket their money” in conjunction   tion  to  advisors.  Ben  Nemtin,  star  of   delivered a highly inspirational message
                 with various goals and provide them   the  MTV  series  “The  Buried  Life,”  for   focused on doing what you want to do
                 with better outcomes while provid-  instance, recounted his experience of   before you die — without hesitation. This
                 ing advisors with a robust toolkit to   going through depression during col-  was definitely one of the best keynotes I
                 enhance their client relationships.   lege. He emerged from it after his   have seen in a long time and a great way to
                 “Clients are 12 times less likely to go   friends asked, “What do you want to do   kick off the 2023 conference season.
                 to cash during market volatility if they   before you die?”
                 bucket their accounts according to vari-  This prompted him and his pals to   Timothy D. Welsh, CFP, is president, CEO and
                 ous goals,” he said.              write up a bucket list of 100 dreams   founder of Nexus Strategy, a leading consulting
                   “The number-one aspect that clients   they  wanted  to  achieve.  They  hit  the   firm to the wealth management industry and
                 want from their advisor is that the advi-  road in a borrowed RV to cross off as   can be reached at [email protected] or
                 sor  understands  them  deeply,”  Crosby   many activities as possible. “We knew   on Twitter @NexusStrategy.

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