Page 19 - Investment Advisor April/May 2023
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are simply in a cyclical slowdown. If you   firm said. While U.S. equities have been   6  Manufacturers Benefit From
                 can find companies set to re-accelerate   almost impossible to beat for decades,   Reshoring — And So Do Investors
                 when the economy improves, you  may   partly because of the strong dollar, non-  Manufacturers want to be closer to
                 find promising buying opportunities.”  U.S. markets may finally be able to over-  their markets, for ethical, environmen-
                   Streaming companies and ad-based   take them, Jonsson said. She expects to   tal and supply chain reasons, Jonsson
                 social networks face tough new competi-  build up the non-U.S. part of her portfolio.  noted. “It’s a theme for almost every
                 tion, so investors should focus more on prof-                       industry and possibly why inflation
                 itability than in the past, according to Romo.   4  Health Care Breakthroughs   will stay higher longer, and compa-
                 Cloud computing growth has slowed,  but   Make for a Hot Market     nies will benefit from it,” she said.
                 that may be cyclical, as cloud company   “We are in an incredible age of discovery   Siemens Energy, Keyence, Schneider
                 fundamentals remain strong, he said. The   in health care,” said Jonsson, who said   Electric, Rockwell Automation and
                 semiconductor industry has struggled with   she’s never seen the market this fertile   Parker Hannifin  may be among those
                 oversupply but may be set for a powerful   in her more than 30-year career as a   benefitting, the firm said.
                 cyclical recovery long-term, he added.  portfolio manager.            Top destinations for companies redi-
                   Romo also believes artificial intelli-  Both discovery pace and market sizes   recting manufacturing from China are
                 gence is at an inflection point, and noted   are growing, with companies on the   Southeast Asia,  India, Mexico  and the
                 the pace of new technology adoption is   verge of solving obesity and other seri-  U.S., the firm noted. Equity portfolio
                 accelerating: “We’re starting to think   ous conditions, she said. Resolving obe-  manager Winnie Kwan predicted in the
                 across a number of industries where this   sity is “pretty revolutionary” in what it   accompanying report that reshoring will
                 technology can be applied.” In addition,   can do for public health, she said, adding   be one of the more important invest-
                 underlying blockchain technology has   that personalization and digitization in   ment themes in the 2020s.
                 applications for many industries, and   healthcare are also exciting.
                 smaller companies likely will leverage it,   Jonsson focuses on companies with   7  Core Bond Funds Bring
                 something the firm is watching closely.   “picks and shovels” that supply everything   Portfolio Stability
                                                   associated with the therapy discovery pro-  Capital Group has been suggesting
                  3   Global Champions Will        cess and said it’s not necessary to pick   investors strengthen their core bond
                      Thrive on Adaptability
                                                   winners in the drug discovery race if you
                                                                                     portfolio. Despite a disappointing per-
                 “Investors are concerned about de-glo-  invest in their suppliers. Gene therapy and   formance in 2022, when stocks and
                 balization and assume it is negative for   other regenerative medicine generated   bonds  broke from  their  long-term  pat-
                 portfolios,” Jonsson wrote. “It can be, but   $21 billion in revenue last year and should   tern and both lost value, bonds should
                 changes in trade patterns generally favor   achieve $96 billion in sales by 2030, the   again play an important role in a diversi-
                 global champions — what I call industry-  firm said, citing figures from Statista.  fied portfolio, according to the firm.
                 leading multinationals that can adjust to                             Slowing economic growth is “nirva-
                 the changing landscape. The COVID-19   5  Energy Drives an          na” for core bonds, fixed-income portfo-
                 crisis shed light on the importance of   Industrial Renaissance     lio manager Pramod Atluri wrote in the
                 resilience over efficiency, and companies   Four trends are contributing to an indus-  report. “Slowing growth, declining infla-
                 are  responding  by  establishing  redun-  trial renaissance,  according  to  Capital   tion, higher yields and a Federal Reserve
                 dancies in supply chains. That’s creating   Group: U.S. energy investments, European   nearing the end of its hiking cycle all add
                 opportunities for companies that help   energy security, supply chain reshoring,   up to a fantastic opportunity for core
                 build factories and expand supply lines.”  and aerospace and defense spending.  bond funds to generate mid-single-digit
                   Global champions can do well      Green battery technology and deglo-  total returns and, once again, provide
                 in almost any environment, she said.   balization, which will require a metals-  ballast to a portfolio,” he said.
                 Capital Group noted that more than   intensive shift, should bode well for
                 2,000 non-U.S. companies generate at   metals and mining, including companies   8  Company Cash Flows Face
                 least $1 billion in sales, compared with   like Caterpillar, Romo said on the web-  Increased Scrutiny
                 1,451 in the U.S. “It’s more important   cast. Other companies that could benefit   Credit fundamentals may return as infla-
                 than ever to be global,” Romo said.  include Emerson Electric, Eaton, ABB,   tion cools and rate hikes slow, according
                   Investors should focus on nimble mul-  General Electric, Halliburton, Baker   to Capital Group. “For bond investors,
                 tinational companies that can respond to   Hughes, Raytheon, Boeing, Honeywell   finding  companies  that  are  inventing
                 change, regardless of local conditions, the   and Lockheed Martin, the firm said.  the next big thing is less important than

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