Page 48 - Investment Advisor March 2021
P. 48


                By Caleb Brown

                A Better Way to Interview Job Candidates

                Resumes are not the best method to judge talent. Here’s why, and how you
                can improve your hiring process.

                       istorically,  resumes  have  been                            FINDING THE BEST SKILL SETS
                       a large part of the hiring pro-                              Here  are  exercises  to  screen  for  prob-
                Hcess. After all, what could be                                     lem-solving skillsets you need:
                more helpful to understand a candi-                                   Financial plans completed quick-
                date’s experience and capabilities than                             ly and accurately: Provide a case
                a chronological account of their work                               study, and have a fixed time limit
                history for hiring firms to use as a guide                          to complete it. Make sure the case
                to developing interview questions and                               has some omitted and conflicting
                gather more information?                                            data to replicate what clients actu-
                  Yet as much as firms rely on these                                ally provide. This also gives you great
                pieces of paper when hiring a new team                              insight into how the applicant deals
                member, they need to understand that a                              with uncertainty, asking questions and
                resume review is not the most effective                             making assumptions.
                way to ensure a good hiring decision.   about a previous worker’s specifics, only   Prioritizing meeting preparation
                Resumes can be overrated and should   sharing generalities, such as position,   for several new clients: Provide a one-
                be utilized only in conjunction with a   title and dates employed, to avoid poten-  page brief on each client situation and
                more comprehensive candidate vetting   tial lawsuits that might arise from shar-  have applicants rank them in order of
                process. Here’s why:              ing negative feedback.            who they think will take the most time
                  Self-Perception Biases: When peo-  Unreliable Predictability: Past   and should work on first.
                ple have time to prepare a story about   experience doesn’t necessarily predict   Develop new client onboarding
                themselves, it (almost) always is going   future success in a new position. Every   (or  other)  process: Have them pro-
                to sound better than reality. It’s just   firm is different, and even small nuances   vide a flowchart, checklist or some
                human nature.                     can have a substantial impact in terms of   other process they have created in the
                  Our  firm  sees  this  all  of  the  time  —   job fit. There are many variables in each   past. Have them walk you through their
                job seekers say they are detailed, orga-  situation, and some people only can suc-  thought process.
                nized, punctual, hardworking, etc.,   ceed if everything aligns.      Close warm leads: Have them role-
                which doesn’t tell us anything about   Nor does this just include outside   play a mock prospect interview with
                whether they actually are a fit for the   candidates. We have seen firms who   someone on your team while you
                position. It only shows us how they per-  had a great experience with an intern   observe. Write out some likely objec-
                ceive themselves.                 so they promoted them to an associ-  tions  from  prospective  clients  to  see
                  Measurability:  Even  if  job  seekers   ate planner. But the person struggled   how applicants address them.
                list specific measurable accomplish-  because they weren’t able to make the   The key  is  to  design an  interview
                ments (which is a good sign), such as   adjustment of not having a set sched-  process where the applicant has to
                sales goals, experience with software   ule, laid out to-do’s each day and daily   demonstrate their skills, not just talk
                programs, problems solved, ideas imple-  deadlines  to  meet  that  they  had  while   about them. It may not be time to retire
                mented, etc., it is difficult to verify.  an intern.                resumes, but consider these suggestions
                  Approach interviews with the      Therefore, if you are prone to   as you design your hiring process and
                assumption that people always have the   be wowed by flashy resumes, design   hone interview techniques.
                best intentions, but sticking with the   a screening process for each role in
                “trust but verify” approach has kept a lot   your firm where the job seeker can   Caleb Brown is co-founder and CEO of
                of employers from making a poor  hiring     demonstrate if and how they can help   New Planner Recruiting and hosts The   SvetaZi/Shutterstock
                decision. References help, but compa-  solve problems that need solving for   New Planner Podcast which you find at
                nies have become more tight-lipped   your firm to grow.   

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