Page 50 - Investment Advisor March 2021
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                By Thomas D. Giachetti

                New Registration Rules in New York

                Could Have Far-Reaching Impact

                Advisors working or providing advice from the Empire State must comply.

                       he New York Attorney General                                 IAR  registration requirements exists
                       announced on Dec. 1, 2020                                    with respect to persons who acts as
                Tamendments to the New York                                         IAR or solicitors to five or fewer clients.
                Investment  Advisory  Act  that  will                               For the purposes of this exemption, a
                require many investment advisor rep-                                person need not be counted as a client
                resentatives (IARs) to register with the                            if no compensation is received for the
                State of New York. If you render invest-                            IAR’s advisory services. This exemption
                ment  advice  within  or  from  the  State                          is available to all IARs and solicitors of
                of New York, now is the time to begin                               both state- and SEC-registered advisors.
                reviewing the rule and your registration
                obligations. This new law applies even if                           IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD
                you previously filed a NY-IAQ on behalf                             The  rules  contain  an  implementation
                of a state-registered investment advisor.                           period allowing those in an advisory busi-
                  Beginning on Feb. 1, 2021, IARs of state-  the rules as: “…a person who as part   ness to continue without approved reg-
                registered and Securities and Exchange   of a regular business, engages in the   istration until Dec. 2, 2021, as long as
                Commission-registered investment advi-  business of providing investment advice   the U4 requesting the IAR’s New York
                sors are required to meet examination   to  the  limited  extent  that  such  person   registration is submitted on or before Aug.
                and registration requirements with the   receives compensation for introducing   31,  2021.  The rules also provide for an
                State of New York. The rules will impact   a prospective investor or investors to [a   examination waiver for those who have
                firms with IARs and/or solicitors in New   state-registered] investment adviser or   been IARs for at least two years prior
                York, including firms principally located   a federally covered investment adviser.”  to Feb. 1, 2021 so long as they are not
                in other states but maintain a New York   Solicitors  for state-registered invest-  subject to a regulatory disqualification.
                branch office and/or solicitor(s).  ment advisors generally will need to be   IARs also may request an exami-
                  IARs of State-Registered Advisors:   registered as an IAR with an investment   nation waiver if they currently hold a
                Under the rules, an IAR of a state-regis-  advisor or will otherwise need to indi-  professional designation and remain in
                tered firm is defined as “a natural person   vidually file a Form ADV and Form U4   good standing.
                representing  an  investment  adviser  or   for their solicitation activities.  The Office of the Attorney General
                solicitor in doing any of the acts that   Solicitors  of  SEC-Registered  provided helpful information for financial
                define an investment adviser.” Those acts   Advisors: “Affiliated solicitors” (solici-  professionals and compliance profession-
                generally include engaging in the invest-  tors under the supervision and  control   als that summarize what should be done
                ment advisory business within or from   of the advisor) only can be compelled to   to apply or request an examination waiver.
                the State of New York. In addition, all   register if they have a place of business   Lastly, the Rules include a new books
                principals and supervisors of New York-  in New York and meet the definition of   and records obligation that require
                registered advisors must be registered,   IAR under the federal definition.  IARs to keep documentation that sup-
                unless a registration exemption applies.  “Unaffiliated solicitors” (solicitors   ports the designation of any client as an
                  IARs of SEC-Registered Advisors:   who operate independent of the advisor)   “accredited investor” or “qualified cli-
                For individuals acting on behalf of SEC-  will generally need to be registered as an   ent,” as defined under federal law.
                registered firms from a place of business   IAR  with  an  advisor  or  will  otherwise
                in New York, the rules defer to the fed-  need to individually file a Form ADV and   Thomas D. Giachetti is chairman of the   TierneyMJ/Shutterstock
                eral definition of IAR.           Form U4 for their solicitation activities.  Investment Management and Securities
                  Solicitors of State-Registered    De Minimis Exemption (All Firms):   Practice Group of Stark & Stark. He can be
                Advisors: “Solicitors” are defined under   A de minimis exemption to New York’s   reached at [email protected].

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