Page 13 - Investment Advisor - December 2023
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videos and in an interview, when report-  “Retirement is not binary. It is not
                 ing  binary  Monte  Carlo  results  to  a
                 client framed around probability of suc-  success or failure. People adjust their
                 cess, anything less than 100% can sound
                 scary. For example, for a client with a   spending, they adjust their lifestyles,
                 75% probability of success  at a given
                 starting  spending  amount,  failing  one   when [the] plan starts to go off course.”
                 out of every four times simply does not
                 sound acceptable to many people.                       —Jamie Hopkins
                   It  is  crucial,  however,  to  think  care-
                 fully  about  what  a  75%  success  result   when [the] plan starts to go off course.”   doesn’t speak to the timing of failure.
                 in  a  Monte  Carlo  simulation  actually   So, as Estrada is asking, why would advi-  “Did your portfolio run out of money
                 suggests. While this metric does project   sors only make decisions about what the   super  early  in  retirement,  like  in  year
                 that one in four retirement scenarios   retirement strategy should be based on   15, which you would find unaccept-
                 will “fail,” the metric alone actually tells   that outdated, binary notion?  able?”  Hopkins  asked.  “Or  did  it  run
                 a client nothing about how severe that                              out of money in year 29 [of the 30-year
                 failure is.                       BUIldInG A Better InCoMe          projection period]?”
                   “Now  here’s  the  thing,”  Hopkins   APProACH                      These are two very different levels of
                 said. “Retirement is not binary. It is not   In the paper, Estrada pushes on the   failure. The other question is the magni-
                 success  or failure. People adjust  their   idea that the failure rate taken alone   tude of failure, which relates to the tim-
                 spending, they adjust their lifestyles,   has two big flaws. The first is that it   ing but is also a distinct consideration.

                           Working to make

                           retirement clear

                           for everyone.

                           SEEK CL ARIT Y AT JACKSON.COM

                         Jackson  is the marketing name for Jackson Financial Inc., Jackson National Life Insurance Company  (Home Office: Lansing, Michigan), and Jackson National Life Insurance
                         Company of New York  (Home Office: Purchase, New York).
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