Page 47 - Investment Advisor December 2022/January 2023
P. 47


                 By Caleb Brown

                 3 Types of Advisors You Need on Your Team

                 Classifying individuals by these skills and work styles can help you identify
                 the right financial advisors.

                       o regain any momentum you                                     Minder to effectively manage the rela-
                       might have lost so far in 2022,                               tionship. Generally, they are task-focused
                 Tfocus your year-end and 2023                                       and put their heads down and diligently
                 efforts on making sure you have your                                work on what has been assigned to them.
                 teammates in the correct roles within                                 These types of team members can show
                 your firm. Having the right person in the                           up as high “C” for Conscientiousness on
                 wrong role (or the “wrong seat”) sub-                               the DISC profile and/or “Analytical” on
                 stantially detracts from any efficiencies                           the Strengthsfinder personality assess-
                 and scale you have achieved.                                        ments. This person may prefer to inter-
                   In our work with firms across the   best use when they can meet a lot of   act with people less than Minders and
                 U.S., we see top candidates not be able to   people, sell a product or service and then   Finders,  and  instead  wants  to  perform
                 deliver top-tier results because, some-  turn them over to someone else in the   research, calculate numbers, develop
                 times, they are in the wrong spot. In this   firm to deliver on what was promised.   planning scenarios and handle a lot of
                 piece, we look at the various activities                            the technical aspects when planning for
                 that new financial planners can do for   2. MINDERS                 a client.
                 you (and the respective roles), so you   These are your client relationship
                 can ensure your people are operating at   people who are people-focused and   DIVIDE AND CONQUER
                 their highest and best level.     can  be  mindful  that  clients  are  always   Some of you may have one person per-
                   Originally coined by David Maister   being taken care of. This can also be   forming all of these functions, as you
                 in his book “Managing the Professional   referred to as a front-stage role.   may have yourself when you started
                 Service Firm,” classifying individuals   These types can show up as high “S”   out. We caution that as firms grow,
                 as “finders, minders and grinders” is a   for  Steadiness  on  the  DISC  profile   these roles are better when performed
                 great way to identify new financial advi-  and/or for “Communication” on the   separately, since putting people outside
                 sors  into  the  various  skill  groups  that   Strengthsfinder personality assessments.   their ideal-fit role leads to higher turn-
                 your firm may need.                 This person enjoys being the main   over rates.
                   Here is an overview of each type.  point of contact for clients, loves the   In other words, if you have a group
                                                   aspect of coordinating all client plan-  of Grinders in your firm and you start
                 1. FINDERS                        ning activities, brings together all of the   asking them to generate leads and close
                 These are your business development   resources necessary to ensure a positive   business, they are going to leave and join
                 people; their job is to find prospects.   outcome and takes the lead as the quar-  a firm that will put them in a position
                 Consider this a front-stage role. These   terback of the client situation.  that lets them focus on the service work
                 people  usually  show  up  as  high  “I”   These individuals can sometimes   they enjoy (because  it better matches
                 for Influence on the DISC personal-  develop business, as well, but are more   their skill set so they can succeed).
                 ity profile model — which stands for   likely to get their  new  clients from   You should be able to get a good sense
                 Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and   existing client referrals, since they have   of where potential new hires fall within
                 Conscientiousness — and/or as “WOO,”   taken such good care of them, versus   these categories, but if you find yourself
                 for “winning others over” on the   prospecting for a cold lead to convert.   in the interview process and aren’t sure,
                 Strengthsfinder personality  assessments.                           you can always ask them where they see
                   This  is  the  type  of  person  who  has   3. GRINDERS           themselves!
                 never met a stranger that stays a stranger   These are the people in backstage roles
             Adobe Stock  a networking event and didn’t meet most   grinding out much of the work that needs   Caleb Brown is co-founder and CEO of
                                                   within your firm who are responsible for
                 and would likely be upset if they went to
                                                                                     New Planner Recruiting. His podcast is at
                                                   to be done behind the scenes for the
                 of the people there! They  are at  their
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