Page 47 - Investment Advisor - December 2021
P. 47

Merrill Moves to Trailing                                           aren’t quite there yet; they will now have
                                                                                    until 2023.”
                12-Month Advisor Comp Structure                                     revenue for 2021 through the third quar-
                                                                                      Merrill Lynch Wealth Management’s
                                                                                    ter grew 19% from a year ago to a record
                      errill Lynch Wealth Management   that an advisor loses into that advisor’s   $4.5 billion and it saw record client bal-
                M said in late October that it’s mak-  net new asset flows for the year, which   ances of $3.1 trillion, it announced in
                ing no major changes to its pay grid for   could have potentially hurt the advi-  late October.
                2022 but decided to move to a trailing   sor’s ability to reach certain targets for
                12-month grid structure and away from   bonuses, the executive explained.  A BREAK FROM COMP CHANGES
                its retroactive comp structure in which                             The lack of a major change to Merrill’s
                payout is determined based on the prior   STRONG ADVISOR PERFORMANCE  pay grid didn’t come as a surprise because
                calendar year’s production.       The decision to drop the Transfer Account   published reports last month said Andy
                  The incentive grid “remains core to   Policy was made because the firm’s advi-  Sieg, president of Merrill Lynch Wealth
                the comp program,” Merrill said. But   sors have been “very successful in retain-  Management, told an employees’ meet-
                “advisor compensation will now be cal-  ing accounts and “put a lot of effort into   ing that the division planned no “large-
                culated based on an advisor’s                                              scale changes” to the pay grid
                previous 12 months of produc-  The trailing 12-month structure             this year after changes made
                tion,” starting Jan. 1, the com-                                           over the past five years maybe
                pany noted. “After each month,   is “widely used throughout the            “frustrated” its advisors.
                the most recent 12 months of   industry” and is a “positive” for             The firm said in December
                production will determine that                                             last year that it eliminated pay
                month’s grid payout.”        advisors because it creates more              to advisors on all client house-
                  The trailing 12-month struc-
                ture is “widely used throughout  “consistency” and “predictability”        hold accounts under $250,000,
                                                                                           but left its core incentive com-
                the industry” and is a “positive”   in what they are paid, a senior        pensation grid intact for 2021.
                for advisors because it creates                                              Performance hurdles for the
                more “consistency” and “predict-   Merrill executive said.                 wirehouse’s growth grid, mean-
                ability” in what they are paid, a                                          while, remained  at the  same
                senior Merrill executive told reporters on   it,” so the “appropriate [way] to recognize   levels introduced in mid-2020, the com-
                a conference Oct. 26.             that effort [is] by not having a haircut,” the   pany said last year. Under that program,
                  Meanwhile, no changes have been   senior Merrill executive said on the call.  introduced by Merrill a few years ago,
                made to the firm’s growth or team grids.  Ninety-five percent of advisors are   if advisors bring in a certain number of
                  However,  the  firm  said  it  is  discon-  “on track to exceed their production   new households and net flow increases,
                tinuing its Transfer Account Policy that   results”  from  last  year,  while  86%  of   they get a 1% increase in pay, but if they
                was enacted in 2018. “Currently, advi-  them are on track to have their best year   don’t reach the minimum hurdles, they
                sors receive a 50% payout on their pro-  ever, the firm said.       get a 1% reduction.
                duction on retained accounts for the first   Sixty percent of advisors, meanwhile,   The firm reduced the minimum
                12 months,” the senior executive said.   are “on track to bring in six or more new   growth grid requirements in June last
                “Beginning in 2022, advisors will receive   households this year” and about 20% are   year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and
                100% payout on clients that they retain.”  on  track  to  bring  in  at  least  eight  new   those lower hurdles remained in place
                  Merrill also expanded the time in   households this year, the senior Merrill   for 2021, it said in December 2020.
                which advisors have to keep clients who   executive told reporters.   Merrill also slightly tweaked its team
                were transferred to them from six months   In the team grid, 90% of qualified   grid program last year, which factors in
                to one year after hearing feedback from   teams already met the firm’s new client   an entire advisor team’s book. The client
                advisors that the six months were not   engagement  standard  for  2021,  which   engagement criteria was simplified and
                quite enough to cement relationships   requires 30% penetration across a broad   moved to an overall book-level perfor-
                with the new clients, the executive said.  range of Merrill products, the executive   mance view, after previously focusing
                  Starting in 2022, Merrill also won’t   said. “We are planning to provide addi-  on individual clients leveraging specific
                factor  assets from  a transferred  client   tional flexibility for that final 10% that   solutions, the company said.

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