Page 45 - Investment Advisor - December 2021
P. 45

tive years or longer. If so, the divorce   WHEN DO SOCIAL SECURITY   per month. In Tammy’s case, her top-up
                must be final for two years or longer and   BENEFITS STOP AFTER REMARRIAGE?  is calculated as follows: $1,400 (maxi-
                the receiving ex cannot be remarried.   It’s correct that benefits stop if a divorced   mum spousal benefit) — $1,130 (her own
                Tammy checks the first three boxes.  person remarries. But that’s not the whole   PIA) = $270. Because she’s past her FRA,
                  In her case, the glitch comes with the   story. Remarriage causes an ex-spouse to   she would get the full top-up amount of
                age  rule.  For  either  ex  to  collect  on  the   lose their benefit — but only if it is based   $270 added to her existing reduced ben-
                other, each of them must be at least age 62.   on the other ex’s work record. This rule   efit. Therefore, her new benefit amount
                Tammy’s ex is 10 years younger, so when   applies whether it’s the ex-wife or the ex-  after remarriage would be about $1,120.
                she turns 70, he’ll be 60. There is no option   husband  who  remarries.  Social  Security   Her payment amount will be based on
                for Tammy to collect on his record. Yet.  is gender agnostic with these rules.  her new husband’s actual PIA and cost-
                  The fifth rule is that the ex-spousal   Connecting the dots in Tammy’s case,   of-living increases over the years.
                benefit must be higher than your own   we need to understand that the benefit
                benefit. The maximum ex-spousal pay-  she currently receives ($850 per month,   CAN TAMMY EVER COLLECT
                ment is 50% of the other’s PIA. In                                      ANYTHING ON HER FIRST
                Tammy’s  case,  her  ex’s  PIA  must   It’s correct that benefits       HUSBAND’S RECORD?
                be higher than $2,260 (her PIA of   stop if a divorced person           Tammy’s last question was about
                $1,130 x 2).                                                            getting more on her ex’s work
                                                 remarries. But that’s not              history. She wrote, “His benefits
                TAMMY’S POSSIBLE OPTION FOR    the whole story. Remarriage              should be quite large since he’s had
                THE FUTURE                                                              good-paying jobs since he was 24
                In 2024, Tammy’s ex will reach 62.   causes an ex-spouse to lose        years  old.  Can’t  I  collect  a  better
                At that point, she can meet with                                        rate off him?”
                Social Security to see if there is a   their benefit — but only if        The only way to get a top-up on
                possible ex-spousal top-up available   it is based on the other ex’s    an ex-spouse is to remain unmar-
                to her. Let’s say his PIA is $2,600.                                    ried. If she does not remarry, when
                Tammy’s calculated benefit would         work record.                   her ex reaches 62, she could then
                be $1,300 per month. But she won’t                                      ask Social Security for a recalcula-
                receive that much. Her ex-spousal top-  reduced from her $1,130 full benefit for   tion of her benefits and get any appli-
                up is $170 ($1,300 – $1,130). The top-up   claiming early) is based on her own indi-  cable ex-spousal top-up.
                will be added to her reduced benefit   vidual work history. No one loses their   However, Tammy may eventually
                ($850 + $170 = $1,020) and her total is   own benefit when they remarry.  “step into his shoes” and collect his ben-
                substantially less than it could have been.  If she were collecting an ex-spousal   efit if she becomes the only surviving
                  That additional $170 top-up will off-  benefit based on her ex-husband’s work   spouse. If she does not remarry, and her
                set  some  of her  Part  B premiums  for   history (as a dependent ex-spouse), she   ex dies first, and he was receiving more
                many years.                       would forfeit that benefit  upon remar-  than her $850 per month, she can claim
                                                  riage. In this case, Tammy can indeed   as a surviving ex-spouse. Whatever
                WHAT HAPPENS IF TAMMY             remarry and keep her own Social   amount he was receiving will become
                REMARRIES?                        Security benefit.                 her survivor benefit.
                Rumors and misinformation abound                                      If she remarries, as it sounds like she
                when it comes to Social Security. One of   CAN TAMMY COLLECT MORE IN   prefers, and both her new husband and
                the questions Tammy asked was:    SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS AFTER    her ex die before she does, she will receive
                  I have been told that since I started   REMARRIAGE?               one benefit. It will be the higher benefit
                to collect Social Security at 62, I cannot   Perhaps, but not on her ex-husband.   between the two men. It may be that her
                remarry and still receive my payment
                                                                                    ex was collecting $2,950 per month and
                                                  Once  she’s  married  for  12  months  to
    Jim Frazier/  but we would need my Social Security.   gible for any spousal top-up benefits   In that case, her survivor benefit would in
                                                  her new husband, Tammy will be eli-
                each month. I would like to remarry,
                                                                                    her second husband was getting $2,800.
                                                  on his record.
                Why  doesn’t  the  man  lose  his  check
                                                                                    fact be based on her ex’s benefit.
                                                    Let’s say her new husband’s PIA is
                when he remarries?
                  There’s quite a bit to unpack with
                                                  $2,800 per month. The maximum spou-
                                                                                    Marcia Mantell is founder and president of
                her questions.
                                                  sal benefit is 50% of his PIA, or $1,400
                                                                                    Mantell Retirement Consulting.
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