Page 12 - Investment Advisor - November 2023
P. 12


                 WASHINGToN WATCH

                   By Melanie Waddell

                 House Panel oKs Legislation raising HsA

                 Contribution Limits

                 The bill would also allow spouses to make catch-up contributions to the same
                 HSA and let individuals keep their own HSAs even if their spouses are enrolled

                 in flexible spending arrangements.

                       he House Ways and Means                                       HSA even if their spouse is enrolled in
                       Committee passed in late                                      a flexible spending arrangement (FSA).
                 TSeptember two pieces of legisla-                                     • Ensure  employees,  at  the  employ-
                 tion that  would expand health  savings                             er’s discretion, may convert their FSA
                 accounts, including raising HSA contri-                             and health reimbursement arrangement
                 bution limits and allowing workers over                             (HRA) balances into an HSA contribu-
                 65 who are enrolled in Medicare Part A                              tion upon enrolling in a high-deductible
                 to make contributions.                                              health plan with an HSA. The conver-
                   The Bipartisan HSA Improvement                                    sion amount is capped at the annual
                 Act of 2023, H.R. 5688, and the HSA                                 FSA contribution limit for an individual
                 Modernization  Act  of 2023,  H.R. 5687,                            ($3,050 in 2023) and double that for
                 passed out of committee on Sept. 28.                                family coverage.
                   The HSA Modernization Act,                                          • Clarify that HSA funds can be used
                   introduced  by  Rep.  Beth  Van  Duyne,                           for direct primary care, an arrangement
                 R-Texas, would increase the HSA   allowed to contribute to an HSA if they are   in which patients pay monthly fees
                   contribution limit to the sum of the   not enrolled in Medicare,” ABC said.   directly to a care provider.
                 annual deductible and out-of-pock-  The group explained that it supports   “Many of the solutions included in
                 et expenses permitted under the   legislation “that would allow employees   these bills reflect basic common sense
                   high-deductible health plans to which   to continue to contribute to their HSAs   like ending the marriage penalty that
                 HSAs are tied.                    until they retire, even though they are   currently bars married couples from
                   In 2023, that sum is $7,500 for self-  automatically enrolled in Medicare Part   combining their HSA contributions
                 only coverage and $15,000 for fam-  A at age 65.”                   into a single account, ensuring eligibil-
                 ily coverage. Under current law, the   The bill  would  also allow  HSA   ity of direct primary care arrangements
                 2023 HSA contribution limits are   funds to cover health care services that   and worksite clinics, and allowing folks
                 $3,850 for self-only coverage and $7,750   occurred up to 60 days prior to the   to save an amount that will actually
                 for  families, with a $1,000 annual catch-  establishment of the account and allow   cover what they might owe in out-
                 up contribution allowed for those 55   both spouses to  make catch-up  contri-  of-pocket expenses,” Ways and Means
                 and older.                        butions to the same HSA.          Committee Chairman Jason Smith,
                   The American Benefits Council     The Bipartisan HSA Improvement   R-Mo., said in a statement.
                 applauded the bill for allowing employees   Act, introduced by Rep. Lloyd Smucker,   With 78% of health savings accounts
                 65 and older to contribute to an HSA.Under   R-Pa., would:          owned by taxpayers making less than   Adobe Stock
                 current law, “active employees are only   • Allow an individual to maintain an   $100,000, Smith said, “HSAs are clearly

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