Page 44 - Investment Advisor - November 2021
P. 44

A few decades ago, leaders liked to say,
                “Don’t bring me problems, bring me solu-
                tions.” A compassionate leader will say
                “Bring me the problem and/or bring me
                the solution, whichever you prefer. I have
                time to hear you and seek to understand
                you. I have the space to help you and sup-
                port you in finding the best solution for
                everyone; two heads are better than one.”
                  Here’s an example: Let’s say you are
                a leader who is fantastic at serving your
                clients and your commitment to doing so
                has resulted in a large client base and a   [Judgment] is employed to evaluate
                steady stream of referrals. But now your
                hands are increasingly full with servicing   and make use of the collective greatest
                clients, and you have less time to work on
                business solutions. This leaves little time   strengths, not to judge individuals’
                to help the other professionals in your
                firm solve the challenges they’re facing.  strengths against their weaknesses. To put
                  What do you do? Do you tell people you   it simply, [these] leaders hire happy people.
                don’t have time? Taking the compassion-
                ate approach, you would free your time to
                sit with your employees, and if you don’t   has a stressed team, and compassionate   Now, bringing out happiness in people
                have time, you would ask your employees   leader will ensure they are managing their   can be a bit scary. In doing so, it’s possible
                to help you free your time. Then together,   stress first.          to build their trust to the point that they
                you’d sit with them more often, and you’d   What do firms with compassionate   leave  the  firm  to  pursue  plans  they’re
                take the time to understand their prob-  leadership look like? One thing that’s   more  passionate  about.  Most  leaders,
                lems. Cooperatively, you’d identify solu-  striking about compassionate  leaders   understandably, don’t like turnover.
                tions that globally help all firm employees,   is the absence of the kind of judgment   Either employees will contribute their
                not just you and not just this one employee.   that’s been deeply woven into traditional   unlocked talents to your business, or they
                The solutions that a compassionate leader   businesses’ cultures that causes stress.   will move on, allowing you to hire a per-
                would deploy would be globally beneficial,   Team members aren’t judged in terms of   son who you’re even happier to work
                not simply beneficial to one or two people.  whether they are doing a task in the right   with.  Either  way,  your  compassionate
                  Today, compassionate leaders serve   way or wrong way, whether they’re strong   leadership will have created goodwill,
                as an integral part of the team, and they   or weak performers, or whether they’re a   and you’ll have remained true to a leader-
                actively help work through their peo-  good fit for the business’s culture.  ship approach that so far has proven that
                ple’s problems at a strategic level, rooted   Judgment within compassionate lead-  caring about your well-being shows oth-
                in each employee being healthy. But they   ership cultures is different. It is used to   ers how to care about their well-being too.
                don’t just help when they happen to have   determine which solutions are the best for   In turn, when everyone is taking
                time available; they deliberately work   the whole team, not which person is the   care of themselves, the business wins
                below full capacity, leaving space in their   best. It’s employed to evaluate and make   because there is more time to focus on
                schedules  for  strategic  problem  solving   use of the collective greatest strengths,   the business itself. If there’s anything
                that compassionate leadership requires.  not to judge individuals’ strengths against   I’ve learned in 20 years of consulting,
                                                  their weaknesses. To put it simply, com-  it’s that being good to yourself and your
                COMPASSION REQUIREMENT: SELF      passionate leaders hire happy people.  people is a no-lose proposition.
                And  that brings  us to  a key requirement   This practice tears down the tradi-  And being good to people doesn’t
                of compassionate leadership: A leader   tional employee evaluations and brings   need money. Happiness and wellbeing is
                prioritizes their well-being first. It’s well   out the best in an organization’s people   the key leadership driver that produces
                established in psychological research that   by making them feel seen, respected and   the money.
                the energy characteristics of people within   valued, to the point where the leader not
                an organization shift to mirror those of   only cares about their happiness but will   Angie Herbers is an independent consultant to
                their leaders. As sure as night follows day,   roll up his sleeves to empower a person   the advisory industry. She can be reached at   Adobe Stock
                a stressed leader will soon find that she   to find their own happiness.  [email protected].

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