Page 21 - Investment Advisor - October 2021
P. 21

7. THERE WILL BE HIGHER TAXES.    back up to 35%, while there will be “some   Google (FAANG) stocks like we saw
                Personal and corporate taxes will   tightening on the estate tax” and a lifting   with  the  dot-com  stocks  years  ago.  “I
                increase later this year, he said. But   of the state and local tax (SALT) deduc-  just think they’re going to underperform
                Biden and the Democrat-led Congress   tion cap, “but maybe not fully,” he said.  because when you take a look at their
                will not be able to raise taxes on the                              potential future growth, relatively, the
                wealthiest Americans as much as Biden   8. BOTH INFRASTRUCTURE BILLS   valuation differences are just so great,”
                and many in Congress had wanted to, he   WILL PASS.                 he said.
                predicted. That will likely put further   The bipartisan infrastructure bill will
                pressure on the dollar.           pass and then the Democrat-only infra-  10. THERE MAY BE A CORRECTION
                  “Basically, they are going to repeal   structure bill also will pass, boosting   OR A BEAR MARKET IN THE NEAR
                some of the Trump tax [cuts],” he said,   taxes as a result.        FUTURE.
                predicting: “They’re going to raise the                             There may “absolutely” be a correction
                marginal rate back up” to a maximum of   9. FAANG STOCKS WILL FALTER.  or a bear market in the next three to five
                39.6%. Oher predictions: The corporate   “We’re not going to have a crash” of the   years, he said. But he warned investors
                rate will rise to about 24-25% rather than   Facebook,  Amazon,  Apple,  Netflix  and   not to wait for that.

                Falling Fund Fees Saved Investors $6.2B in

                2020: Morningstar

                     orningstar’s annual fund fee   KEY FINDINGS                      This “greenium,” however, has been
                Msurvey, released in late August,   The asset-weighted average expense   shrinking, according to the analysis. Over
                showed that between 2000 and 2020,   ratio fell to 0.41% in 2020 from 0.44% in   the past decade, sustainable funds’ equal-
                the asset-weighted average fee fell to   2019. As a result, Morningstar estimates   weighted average fee has fallen 27%, while
                0.41% from 0.93%, a saving of billions   that investors saved some $6.2 billion in   the asset-weighted average fee paid by
                of dollars for investors. The analysis   fund expenses last year.   investors in these funds has dropped 38%.
                excluded money market funds and funds   The asset-weighted average expense   This has been driven by the introduction
                of funds.                         ratio for active funds fell to 0.62% in   of numerous low-fee sustainable index
                  Morningstar noted that much of   2020 from 0.65% the year before. The   mutual funds and ETFs to the menu, many
                the documented decline in fees can   main driver was large net outflows from   of which have gained favor with investors.
                be attributed to the fact that inves-  expensive funds and share classes and,   Low-cost funds generally have great-
                tors have been allocating more of   to a lesser extent, inflows to cheaper   er odds of surviving and outperforming
                their investment dollars to low-cost   ones, according to the study.  their pricier peers, the study found. In
                index mutual funds and ETFs and that   Steady flows into the lowest-cost   2020, the cheapest 20% of funds had
                those funds have been slashing their   funds caused the asset-weighted aver-  net inflows of $445 billion, while the
                expense ratios.                   age  expense  ratio  for  passive  funds  to   remainder suffered outflows of $293
                                                                                    billion. The cheapest 5% of funds alone
                  “The fact that fees have been reduced
                                                  fall to 0.12% in 2020 from 0.13% in 2019.
    LILA PHOTO for TD Ameritrade Institutional  natural,” Ben Johnson, Morningstar’s   plummeted, by 66% for the former and   of the economics of the advice business
                                                  Between 1990 and 2020, asset-weighted
                to  either  nothing or next to  nothing
                                                                                    received $412 billion of inflows.
                among broad-based index funds is only
                                                  fees across both passive and active funds
                                                                                      According to the study, the evolution
                                                                                    is shaping flows and fees. Bundled share
                                                  by 33% for the latter.
                director of ETF and passive strategies
                                                                                    classes have been in outflows for the past 11
                research, said in a statement.
                                                    Investors in sustainable funds are
                                                                                    years while semi-bundled and unbundled
                  “Given these funds’ commodity-like
                                                  paying what the study called a “greeni-
                nature, it seems inevitable that their
                                                                                    share classes have enjoyed steady inflows.
                                                  um” relative to investors in convention-
                                                                                    Although its competition is close behind,
                prices would be pushed down to the
                                                  al funds, as evidenced by these funds’
                marginal cost of managing them and that
                                                  higher asset-weighted expense ratio,
                                                                                    Vanguard still claims the lowest asset-
                                                                                    weighted  average  expense  ratio  among
                assets would consolidate in the hands of
                                                  which stood at 0.61% at the end of 2020
                a few large-scale manufacturers.”
                                                                                    asset managers — 0.09% in 2020.
                                                  versus 0.41% for their traditional peers.
                                                                                       OCTOBER 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 19
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