Page 20 - Investment Advisor - October 2021
P. 20


                By Jeff Berman and Michael S. Fischer

                Jeremy Siegel’s Top 10 Economic Predictions

                for the Next Few Months and Beyond

                Also, falling fees saved investors $6.2 billion in 2020, according

                to Morningstar.

                       look into the crystal ball sug-
                       gests we will see a strong
                A  economy,  continued  rising
                inflation and higher taxes over the next
                several months, according to Jeremy
                Siegel, senior investment strategy advi-
                sor  at WisdomTree and  professor of
                finance at the Wharton School of the
                University of Pennsylvania.
                  In a keynote address during the
                Orion Ascent conference in late August,
                Siegel shared his thoughts on the state
                of the markets and the economy. He
                also showed how today’s market and
                economic environment fits into a lon-
                ger-view historic context, provided
                observations on global equity valuation,
                and discussed the impact of the COVID-
                19 pandemic on stock and bond returns
                and future inflation.
                  Here are Siegel’s top 10 predictions he   issues in 2022,” he predicted.  4. TAPERING WILL START SOON.
                made for the economy:               The current market “hesitation”   The Fed will start tapering off its
                                                  created by the COVID-19 delta vari-  stimulus, and short rates will rise in
                1. THE ECONOMY WILL BE STRONG     ant, meanwhile, will fade and spur the   early 2022.
                DESPITE RISING INFLATION.         economy, he predicted.
                The enormous stimulus provided by the                               5. BOND YIELDS WILL STILL RISE
                Federal Reserve and government poli-  2. PRICES MAY RISE 20% OVER THE   TOWARD 2% BY YEAR-END.
                cies under Presidents Donald Trump   NEXT FEW YEARS.                Siegel predicted that bond yields will
                and Joe Biden will result in a strong   As the average prices of goods and ser-  still increase toward 2% by the end of
                economy but higher inflation, Siegel   vices continue to rise, we may see the   2021. The 40-year bull market in bonds
                told attendees.                   price level increase 20% or more over   ended in  2020  amid  the  pandemic.
                  Although the prices of everything   the  next three to  four years, with  an   Treasurys are now supported by huge
                from  housing to  restaurant meals have   increase of about 5%-6% each year.  hedge fund demand.
                risen, many consumers continue to spend
                because  they  have  the  money,  he  said.   3. STOCKS WILL CONTINUE TO BE A   6. VALUE STOCKS LIKELY WILL
                After all, “the government put $5 trillion   GREAT BET FOR INVESTORS.  OUTPERFORM GROWTH FOR THE       LILA PHOTO for TD Ameritrade Institutional
                into the hands of people that they didn’t   The  “moderate”  inflationary  environ-  REST OF 2021.
                have before,” he noted. But “nothing is   ment is providing a “field day for stocks,”   For  the  remainder  of  this  year,  value
                free,” Siegel stressed. The inflation we   he told attendees. Investors should   stocks will probably outperform growth
                are seeing is “not temporary” and will   remember: Stocks are “real assets,” and   amid the reopening of the economy, ris-
                be “probably one of the major political   the more leverage, the better.  ing yields and the search for yield.

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