Page 35 - Investment Advisor September 2021
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Lisette Cooper, Ph.D., is vice chair of Fiduciary INDIVIDUALS – OTHER
Trust International, and has more than 30 years
of investment management experience. She is a Barrett Ayers, Adhesion Wealth, is leading his
member of the firm’s board of directors and a firm’s mission to break down disintermediation
member of Franklin Templeton’s management between managers and advisors and deliver
committee. Cooper founded Athena Capital Advisors in 1993, improved results for investors. In 2020, he
which Fiduciary Trust International acquired in March 2020. introduced features to the Adhesion Model
Under her leadership, the Athena Capital team developed an Exchange to provide advisors with distribution capabilities.
endowment-style approach to building diversified portfolios Ayers also oversaw the launch of Tax Alpha reporting, which
for a variety of clients. They also specialize in risk manage- shows the value of an advisor’s decision to enable active tax
ment, quantitative investment management, outsourced chief management; Manager Communities, which connects advisors
investment officer services and family office support. with the asset managers to help in portfolio construction;
Personal Indexes with ESG Overlay that allow advisors to
Matt Hall, co-founder and president of Hill develop their own direct index models inside a unified man-
Investment Group, has led advisor education aged account and OCIO+, a turnkey modular portfolio solution.
programs tied to marketing, client service and
practice management. His book, “Odds On: The LaChadra Mason of BNY Mellon’s Pershing
Making of an Evidence-Based Investor,” focus- leads its Subscribe annuity platform, which
es on the shift in the investment world to a model that draws helps advisors streamline how they process,
on academic evidence to better serve the real interests of service and maintain annuities. Among her
investors. His podcast, “Take the Long View With Matt Hall,” accomplishments, she led the successful con-
features real-life success stories of experts in their respective version of the firm’s order entry platform. Over the past two
industries who discuss how they think about their money, years, she drove the development of digital capabilities with
emotions, behavior and time, providing investors with strate- Pershing’s new eSignature order entry functionality. She was
gies they can implement in their own lives. also a co-champion of efforts to introduce annuities into fee-
based managed accounts — a new capability to launch a pro-
David Waddell, chief investment strategist, posal, open a new account and initiate an annuity order. Most
Waddell & Associates, provides global macro- recently, Mason has revamped how the firm introduces annui-
economic analysis that drives the team’s strate- ties to its RIA clients.
gic direction. He also writes W&A’s Weekly
Strategic Insight, which provides analysis and Amy Webber Cambridge Investment Research
commentary for clients. He often is featured as a global eco- president and CEO, with nearly 30 years in the
nomics and investment expert by national media outlets, and business, has been a strong and thoughtful
has appeared internationally on CNBC’s “Squawk Box Europe.” voice for IBDs as well as a leader in the finan-
In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, Waddell provided the cial services arena. Her leadership has helped
international community with financial context for the pan- the firm, with more than $136 billion in AUA as of Dec. 31,
demic, along with a comparative analysis to historic analogs. 2020, to be the largest IBD in the business. Webber hosts a
He also has championed tax strategies to address the chal- podcast launched in December 2020, the Cambridge Stronger,
lenges presented by impending changes in the U.S. tax code. which features financial professionals as guests — with each
talking candidly on how they serve clients, how they got
Loreen Gilbert, chief executive and founder of started in the profession, the twists and turns of their career
WealthWise Financial Services, offers wealth path as well as their life lessons for others to consider.
management and financial planning to busi-
ness owners, key executives and women inves- Samantha Russell, FMG Suite’s chief evangelist,
tors through her affiliation with LPL Financial. helps advisors create digital marketing strate-
She is passionate about educating and helping women gies to grow their businesses through website
achieve financial success. Currently, she is writing her first development, content marketing, SEO, social
book, “WealthWise for Women.” Last year, Gilbert hosted 11 media and video. Her role is closely tied to the
webinars to educate her clients and the general public on marketing and product development departments. She is
what was happening in the markets and economy. In tasked with constantly staying ahead of trends to feed that back
September 2020, she hosted a virtual seminar for business to the organization’s various departments. Russell has attained
owners on topics such as succession, exit avenues and retire- status as one of the top female marketing consultants in the
ment income strategies. fintech space, regularly partnering with industry thought lead-