Page 22 - Investment Advisor July/August 2023
P. 22

Cover Story

                   Artificial intelligence has been in the
                 works and in use in various forms for
                 decades, but OpenAI’s ChatGPT launch
                 in November has brought waves of
                 attention and forecasts for revolution-
                 ary change in business and everyday life
                 through various AI applications.
                   Technology news site TechTarget
                 defines AI as “the simulation of human
                 intelligence  processes  by  machines,
                 especially  computer systems.” While
                 ChatGPT, a “generative AI” tool that
                 allows computers to respond to queries
                 in a human-like way and generate new
                 content, may be sparking the buzz now,
                 it’s one in a sea of potential AI prod-
                 ucts and services that could change the
                 way people work, shop, study, build, run
                 businesses and perform research.
                   “There’s not going to be one AI that
                 is  used.  There  are  so  many  different   “There’s not going to be one AI that
                 applications,” Bryan Armour, direc-    is used. There are so many different
                 tor of passive strategies research for
                 North America at Morningstar Research   applications. There will be a dramatic
                 Services, explained in a recent inter-
                 view. “There will be a dramatic shift   shift toward AI that will be felt across
                 toward AI that will be felt across hun-
                 dreds of companies, it won’t be like   hundreds of companies, it won’t be like
                 there’s just one.”
                   Clients — or their advisors — trying                there’s just one.”
                 to figure out how to select an AI ETF
                 need to consider various points, includ-               —Bryan Armour
                 ing their reasons for investing in the
                 arena. Even defining what constitutes an AI ETF, as with any   sons” for an advisor to invest in AI for a client. “The bad
                 thematic sector, depends on the criteria applied.  reason is because your client badgered you into buying it
                                                                    for them” because AI is hot and they think they should be
                 eTF Investing                                      in it, Nadig said.
                 “There are plenty of options out there for folks that want to   If a client is genuinely interested in a theme, he continued,
                 get access to AI in a package,” ETF expert Dave Nadig, finan-  “the first answer should be ‘Great, go use it.’” Investors should
                 cial futurist at investment data and research firm VettaFi,   be paying attention to a space in which they’re truly interested,
                 explained in an interview. “You should approach it as a theme   and that will help them determine which ETF to focus on,
                 like you would approach any other kind of thematic invest-  Nadig explained.
                 ment, which means it should not be a core holding, this should   “A good advisor should then work with that client to help
                 be a satellite holding.                            them understand what [it is about AI] that’s exciting to them,”
                   “You should not be putting 45% of your money in a single   he explained. If they’re just chasing headlines, the client per-
                 thematic ETF that probably owns 30 global stocks or 100 global   haps should be in a momentum fund instead, he added.
                 stocks … It’s a headline theme that you’re trying to get in on the   Morningstar, using the framework it applies to all thematic
                 ground floor of,” as an investor would with clean water, energy   ETFs, has identified seven AI ETFs — tech funds with AI in
                 or cybersecurity, Nadig added.                     their sub-themes, based on their prospectus filings and mar-
                   Clients should know why they want to invest in a theme,   keting materials.
                 he said, suggesting “there are good reasons and bad rea-  Many funds beyond that group also focus on AI technolo-

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