Page 43 - Investment Advisor July/August 2022
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tant indicator, and the quits rate? A year   things get tough, he added. “I wouldn’t   tion,” he said, adding that the Fed could
                 and a half ago hardly anybody looked at   give up on a heavy U.S. allocation as yet.   have started acting a year ago when
                 this. Hardly anybody looked at the com-  The time will come, but I don’t think   the U.S. economy was seeing strong
                 position of inflation,” he said.   we’ve fully priced in the global growth   growth. “Now, because  they’re so late,
                   It’s also important to pay attention to   concerns that are ahead of us and if we   they’re going to be hiking (rates) into a
                 whether the corporate sector is giving a   do price them in, once again, it’s going to   weakening U.S. economy and a weaken-
                 common narrative, because that infor-  hit the rest of the world much more than   ing global economy, which means that
                 mation comes much sooner than macro   it hits U.S. assets.”         at the minimum, there’s a high prob-
                 data, he added. More than a year ago                                ability of stagflation and there’s a risk
                 companies pointed to costs, supply and   6. Look at consumer demand.  of  recession.”
                 labor shortages, supply chain problems,   For society, inflation is “yet another
                 “and how they needed to rewire more   great unequalizer,” El-Erian said, noting   9. A September pause, though
                 resilience into the system. At the macro   the higher food and gas prices are eating   unlikely, would be risky.
                 level economists didn’t pay enough   up “an enormous amount of the budget”   The Fed is “very, very likely” to raise
                 attention to that.”               for more vulnerable households. That   interest rates by 50 basis points in
                                                   leads  to problems for companies and   their next two meetings, according to
                 4. Client communication           investors, he noted. Inflation is “com-  El-Erian, who doesn’t expect policy-
                 is important.                     ing after” consumer demand, and that’s   makers to stop until they reach what
                 The most important thing now is   how a supply-driven inflation problem   they consider the neutral rate, which is
                 “explaining to clients what’s going on,   becomes a demand problem, “and that’s   more than 2%.
                 high-level, high-frequency communica-  what we need to minimize.”     While Fed policymakers have sig-
                 tions,” and telling them that the way                               naled they’ll approve rate hikes in June
                 they think about safe assets should be   7. The Fed has some explaining to do.  and July to help tame inflation, Atlanta
                 different,  El-Erian  said. “It  should be   Observing  the  Federal  Reserve’s  infla-  Fed President Raphael Bostic reported-
                 more in terms of ‘What characteristics   tion decisions over the past year has   ly suggested that a pause in September
                 am I looking for,’ because that’s where   been “a little bit like seeing a car crash in   could make sense, as he assumes
                 the safe havens are,” he said. “In a world   slow motion,” El-Erian said. “I’m seeing     inflation will have started to retreat
                 like this, if you’re worrying about infla-  a policy mistake gather momentum and   by then. “I doubt they will pause in
                 tion, the best characteristics are price   hopefully that’s going to stop.” The Fed   September. If they pause in September
                 setters, not price takers, that also have   needs to explain its delays in addressing   we risk having the inflation problems
                 relatively inelastic demand.”     inflation, he said.               last even longer … so I think we should
                                                     “A lot of the volatility we’ve had,   anticipate a number of hikes until they
                 5. Stick with a heavy U.S.        unsettling volatility I want to stress, has   get to about 2%,” El-Erian said. “And the
                 portfolio allocation.             come from this notion that inflation is   risk is that they may break something
                 U.S. assets have outperformed the rest   a  problem  and  the  Federal  Reserve  is   along the way but that’s unfortunate-
                 of the world for four or five years and it   behind,” he said.      ly what happens when you are so far
                 makes  sense  for  investors  to  stick  with   The Fed grossly mischaracterized   behind the curve.”
                 domestic securities for now, El-Erian said.   inflation last year by describing it as
                 “Lots of people have advocated investors   “transitory,” a term that Fed Chairman   10. Beware of steep drops in inflation.
                 should fade the U.S. and they should put   Jerome Powell retired in late November,   El-Erian warned that inflation, now over
                 more  money  outside  the  U.S.  And  my   El-Erian said. “Unless the marketplace   8%, won’t decline sharply by year end
                 reaction has been consistently ‘not yet,   believes in the ability of the Fed to   without  some  economic  damage.  “Are
                 not yet, not yet,’ and those who have faded   understand the inflation dynamics it will   we likely to get to 3 to 4%? We could,
                 the U.S. have underperformed,” he said.   worry about yet another policy mistake.”   but let’s understand what that means. If
                   “The U.S. is by far the more resil-                               we do get to 3% to 4% it’s because we’ve
                 ient economy,” with very strong balance   8. Fed delays increased stagflation   damaged  demand  in  a  major  way.  We
                 sheets, he said. “We’re much more entre-  and recession risks.      won’t get down that quickly unless we
                 preneurial than the rest of the world”   The delay in addressing inflation has   damage demand, and that’s not a softish
                 and are viewed as a safe haven, attract-  raised economic risk, El-Erian explained.   landing. That’s a hard landing,” El-Erian
                 ing money from around the world when   “When you’re late, you  risk  stagfla-  said, responding to a question.

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