Page 13 - Investment Advisor June 2023
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duties under their care obligations, includ-  alternatives should begin early in the   “Advisors must also do their own anal-
                 ing a general responsibility to understand   process  of  formulating  a  recommenda-  ysis of the approved investment options
                 the investments or investment strategies   tion or providing advice rather than as   on a client-by-client basis,” she added.
                 that they are recommending or on which   a retroactive exercise after the financial   ”This is a good reminder to firms and
                 they provide advice, financial profession-  professional has already decided what   advisors as the use of approved lists of
                 als also have this responsibility,” it explains.  to recommend or advise,” he explained.  investments has increased since Reg BI.”
                   While  firms  should  generally  help   Likewise, Hanna added, “the staff’s   2. Firms must train advisors on
                 ensure financial professionals “have suf-  view that it is ‘particularly important’ to   their products (and document it well).
                 ficient information and training to under-  document the basis for a reasonably avail-  The staff bulletin “referred to the use of
                 stand the investments and investment   able alternatives analysis when the recom-  employee training in multiple sections
                 strategies they recommend or advise on,”   mendation poses a conflict for the firm or   regarding how an advisor can be sure to
                 the agency explains, “financial profession-  the financial professional is also something   understand the products and investment
                 als cannot satisfy their own care obliga-  new, and potentially with broad implica-  strategies they recommend,” Lynch said.
                 tions by solely relying on the                                               “Firms should make sure
                 efforts of others at their firm.”  “The firm and financial professional      their  training  programs  are
                   Financial professionals,   should consider the total potential             well documented, attendance
                 the  agency  warns,  “remain                                                 is tracked, and advisors that
                 responsible  for  personally   costs when evaluating whether the             miss training attend make-
                 understanding  an invest-    recommendation or advice is in a                up sessions or participate in
                 ment or investment strategy                                                  documented online training.”
                 before  they  recommend  or  retail investor’s best interest, including        3. Making the best choice
                 provide advice with regard   direct and indirect costs that could be         from a narrow list is not
                 to that investment or invest-                                                enough.  The  question  on
                 ment strategy.”             borne by the retail investor.” —SEC              “most  appropriate”  “makes
                                                                                              it very clear that making the
                 reAsonABle AlternAtIves           tions because of how broadly it is worded.”  best recommendation from a limited
                 Issa Hanna, partner at Eversheds    For instance, “there is no qualifier on   menu of available options will not meet
                 Sutherland’s New York office, said in an   the use of the word ‘conflict’ (i.e., it does   the care obligation,” Lynch warned. “In
                 email that, with this new guidance, “it’s   not seem to be limited to a conflict that   this case, no recommendation may be
                 the first time we’ve seen any substan-  would be material to the consideration   made if the ‘most appropriate’ is not in the
                 tial  guidance  on  the  topic  of  consider-  of the different alternatives),” he said.  client’s best interest. Firms may be forced
                 ation of reasonably available alternatives   The guidance also states that brokers   to broaden their offerings now based
                 since the SEC adopted Reg BI.”    and advisors should not rely solely on   upon this very clear response from staff.”
                   In Reg BI’s adopting release, the   their firm’s approved list of investments   More firms, Lynch added, “may go the
                 agency said that a broker-dealer gener-  for retail investors.      open-architecture route.”
                 ally should consider reasonably avail-                                4. For dual registrants, account type
                 able alternatives as part of determining   4 tIPs For AdvIsors      matters. The last two questions for dual
                 whether it has a reasonable basis to   Amy Lynch, president and founder of   registrants “are helpful as advisors some-
                 believe that a recommendation is in the   FrontLine Compliance, told Investment   times get confused as to which hat they are
                 best interest of its retail customer.  Advisor that advisors should take note   wearing and when,” Lynch pointed out.
                   “We have seen the staff communicate   of the following four items in the Reg   The SEC staff “made it clear that the type
                 some of these concepts in the course of   BI bulletin:              of account for which the recommendation
                 examinations (particularly, the expectation   1.  Advisors  can’t rely  on a  firm-  is made becomes a determining factor.”
                 that firms provide financial professionals   approved list of investments. Question   Also, she said, “the type of account
                 with specific direction on the alternatives   4 of the bulletin describes how advisors   to be opened in the case of a new cli-
                 to consider as part of a reasonably avail-  “cannot rely upon due diligence per-  ent or relationship — BD or RIA — is
                 able alternatives analysis), but some of the   formed on investments by the firm itself,”   another factor dual registrant advisors
                 concepts are new to us,” Hanna said.  Lynch explained. “This means that the   should consider when making recom-
                   For instance, “it is worth calling out   use of a list of ‘firm-approved invest-  mendations to clients. The duty of care
                 specifically the staff’s view here that the   ments’  cannot  be  relied  upon  to  satisfy   extends to the account type, not just the
                 consideration of reasonably available   the care obligation alone,” Lynch said.  recommendation itself.”

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