Page 12 - Investment Advisor June 2023
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                 WASHInGTOn WATCH

                   By Melanie Waddell

                 seC Issues new reg BI Guidance

                 The agency’s third bulletin focuses on brokers’ and advisors’ care
                 obligations when providing advice.

                       he Securities and Exchange                                    professional cannot satisfy its obligations
                       Commission released guidance                                  simply by recommending the lowest cost
                 Tin mid-April for advisors and                                      option.” The firm and financial pro-
                 brokers on meeting their care obliga-                               fessional, the agency explained, “must
                 tions when providing investment advice                              always consider cost as a factor when
                 and  recommendations  to  retail  inves-                            providing a recommendation or advice
                 tors. In its new guidance, released in a                            to a retail investor,” the guidance states.
                 Q&A format, SEC staff focuses primar-                                 In the SEC’s view, “the firm and
                 ily on the Care Obligation of Regulation                            financial professional should consider
                 Best Interest for broker-dealers and                                the total potential costs when evaluating
                 the  duty  of  care  enforced  under  the                           whether the recommendation or advice
                 Investment  Advisers  Act  of  1940  for                            is in a retail investor’s best interest,
                 investment advisors.                                                including direct and indirect costs that
                   This is the agency’s third bulletin   • Having a reasonable understanding   could be borne by the retail investor.”
                 on Reg BI, which the agency says is   of the specific retail investor’s invest-  For instance, when  determining
                 guidance and does not create new   ment profile; and                whether an investment or investment
                 regulations or rewrite existing ones.   • Based on the understanding of the   strategy is in the investor’s best interest,
                 SEC staff guidance, according to SEC   first two elements, having a reasonable   the guidance states, a firm and financial
                 officials, can also not be the basis for   basis to conclude that the recommenda-  professional should consider the poten-
                 an enforcement action. The first one   tion or advice provided is in the retail   tial costs, such as:
                 addressed account recommendations,   investor’s best interest.        •  Commissions,  markups  or  mark-
                 such as rollovers. The second one,   The bulletin, for instance, defines   downs, and other transaction costs; sales
                 issued last April, focused on identify-  “investment profile,” and how it helps   loads or charges;
                 ing and addressing conflicts.     brokers and advisors satisfy their care   • Advisory or management fees;
                   “Obtaining and then evaluating   obligation. The term “investment profile”   •  Other  fees  or  expenses  that  may
                 information  about  the  retail  investor’s   refers to information that the firm or   affect a retail investor’s return (such as
                 investment profile is a critical step to   financial professional generally should   Rule 12b-1 fees, other administrative and
                 satisfying your care obligation,” the SEC   make reasonable efforts to ascertain about   service fees, revenue sharing, and trans-
                 states. The care obligations, the SEC   the retail investor, the agency explains.  fer agent fees); and
                 explains, generally includes three over-  The agency also explains that while   • Trading and other costs associated
                 arching and intersecting components:  costs are always a “relevant factor to con-  with an investment strategy.
                   •  Understanding  the  potential  risks,   sider when recommending or provid-  The guidance also states that brokers
                 rewards and costs associated with a   ing advice on investments or investment   and advisors should not rely solely on
                 product, investment strategy, account   strategies, they should not be the only   their firm’s approved list of investments
                 type or series of transactions;   consideration, and a  firm or  financial   for retail investors. “Although firms have

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