Page 18 - Investment Advisor June 2021
P. 18


                By Bernice Napach

                How to Bridge the ESG Divide

                Advisors need help from asset managers on how to frame these
                investments for their clients, the Cerulli report notes.

                       espite increasing interest in                                benchmark ESG strategies and define the
                       investments focused on envi-                                 boundaries of those strategies, and they
                Dronmental, social and gover-                                       lack  the time  and resources to  do their
                nance issues among investors, advisors                              own research into ESG strategies. On top
                and asset managers, many advisors still                             of those difficulties is the “ever-expand-
                are reluctant to offer ESG strategies in                            ing range of options that can quickly lead
                client portfolios, according to a recent                            to decision fatigue,” according to Cerulli.
                report from Cerulli Associates.                                       Asset managers can help advisors adopt
                  Fifty-eight percent of more than 1,000                            these strategies by educating them on the
                advisors surveyed cited little investor                             benefits of ESG integration and the best
                demand for their lack of ESG strategies,                            ways to broach the subject with clients,
                while 44% of 1,200 retail investor house-                           and by differentiating their own invest-
                holds surveyed said they preferred to                               ment solutions from others. Direct index-
                invest in an environmentally or socially   advisors  surveyed  selected  Vanguard   ing also can help bridge the ESG divide
                responsible way. Eighty percent of inves-  and 44% chose BlackRock/iShares, even   between advisors, their clients and asset
                tors reported a preference for investing   though  Vanguard has only five ESG   managers, according to Cerulli.
                in companies that are leaders in environ-  funds  available  to  U.S.  investors  and
                mentally responsible practices.   BlackRock has 28.                 ENVESTNET LAUNCHES ENHANCED
                  The Cerulli survey also stated that advi-  Moreover, only about 16% of advisors   ESG FRAMEWORK
                sors tend to limit ESG investing to their   rated Calvert (now part of Eaton Vance,   Envestnet has launched an enhanced
                high-net-worth clients, which Cerulli   which has been acquired by Morgan   ESG due diligence framework to evalu-
                defines as investors with more than $5   Stanley) and Parnassus as having the   ate equity and fixed income strategies on
                million in investable assets, leaving out the   best reputations  for quality  ESG offer-  its platform. The enhanced framework
                56% of households with investable assets   ings. This despite the two firms hav-  focuses on data from four key areas col-
                between $100,000 and $250,000 who said   ing invested exclusively in sustainable   lected from asset managers via interac-
                they would rather invest in companies that   investments since their beginnings,   tions and questionnaires involving ESG
                have a positive social or economic impact.  which date back to 1976 for Calvert and   managers: firm-level ESG policies, ESG
                  “For responsible investing to fully   1984 for Parnassus.         integration in the investment process,
                develop and grow in retail channels,   ‘The reality is that, as in other cases   reporting on impact and engagement on
                advisors and asset managers must fully   when considering unfamiliar product   ESG issues.
                understand the appetite for ESG invest-  types (e.g. active exchange-traded funds,   These investments have become the
                ing among retail investors. … Both asset   alternatives), advisors often look to the   fastest-growing segment of Envestnet’s
                and wealth managers should seek to   largest, most established brand names   management money universe, increas-
                make ESG investing more accessible   as a proxy for quality,” according to the   ing 98% in 2019 and 81% in 2020, accord-
                across wealth tiers,” the report notes.  Cerulli report. Fees also are a factor for   ing to the firm. As of year-end 2020, the
                Biggest Fund Managers Favored     advisors and “the largest low-cost pro-  Envestnet ecosystem has more than $20
                  When advisors do invest client assets   viders have gained a solid foothold with   billion in ESG assets under management
                in ESG investments, they tend to favor   middle market and affluent investors,”   or administration in over 335,000 client
                large asset management firms like   according to Cerulli.           accounts that are overseen by more than
                Vanguard and BlackRock’s iShares divi-  “Advisors need help framing ESG   17,000 advisors.
                sion. When asked to rank the firms that   investment decisions,” the Cerulli
                had the  best reputation  for  providing   report notes.            Bernice Napach can be reached at    Adobe Stock
                quality ESG offerings, about half the   Many advisors find it difficult to   [email protected].

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