Page 39 - Investment Advisor May 2021
P. 39


                                                          By Melanie Waddell

                Is Family Office Regulation in SEC’s Future?

                Industry officials weigh in on the Archegos meltdown along with a family
                office rule review that’s already in the SEC’s crosshairs.

                                                  T     he recent Archegos Capital   mer SEC trial attorney, told me in

                                                                                      The Dodd-Frank Act of 2010
                                                        raising new questions as to
                                                  whether the Securities and Exchange   “excludes family offices from the fund
                                                  Commission this year will mull put-  advisor registration requirement, and
                                                  ting family offices under its regulatory   other SEC filings such as on Forms 13D
                                                  purview.                          or 13F are required only for holdings of
                                                    The agency had already said in   certain amounts of certain securities,”
                                                  its “Reg Flex” agenda, released in   Morgan said.
                                                  late March in the Federal Register,   For instance, “total return swaps
                                                  that family office registration rule   aren’t on the SEC’s list of securities
                                                  exemptions was one of four rules   to  be  disclosed  on  13F,  and  securi-
                                                  it planned to review this year. The   ties that are on the SEC’s list but that
                                                  SEC is required to file its rule review   fall below the $100 million aggregate
                                                  under Section 610 of the Regulatory   threshold don’t need to be disclosed,”
                  The Dodd-Frank Act              Flexibility Act. The purpose of the   Morgan said.
                                                                                      Archegos “traded what are called
                                                  review is ‘‘to determine whether such
                       of 2010 “excludes          rules should be continued without   security-based swaps; that was the
                    family offices from           change, or should be amended or   instrument  they  used  to  put  on  that
                                                                                    risk,” said a general counsel of a family
                                                  rescinded,” the RFA states.
                        the fund advisor            After Dodd-Frank went into effect in   office who asked not to be identified.
                                                                                      Archegos’ derivative contracts
                              registration        2010, the SEC adopted on June 22, 2011,   “exposed the firm to severe losses
                                                  a rule to define “family offices” that
                       requirement, and           are excluded from the definition of an   when the trades went bad,” The Wall
                                                  investment  advisor  under  the  Advisers
                                                                                    Street Journal reported. Hwang lost
                       other SEC filings          Act and are thus not subject to regula-  $8 billion in 10 days, the Journal
                 such as on Forms 13D             tion under the Advisers Act.      reported, while Bloomberg News
                                                                                    reported that Hwang lost $20 billion
                                                    Archegos, a family office capital
                    or 13F are required           management firm run by Bill Hwang,   in two days.
                    only for holdings of          defaulted on margin calls that resulted   SEC LATE TO THE GAME
                                                  in a stock fire sale. The firm had $10 bil-
                    certain amounts of            lion under management as of 2020.  “As part of Dodd-Frank, Congress
                                                                                    charged the SEC and CFTC to regulate
                                                    Industry  officials  that  I  spoke  to  in
                     certain securities.”         mid-April had mixed views as to what   security-based swaps. That regulation
                                                  the SEC may or may not do regard-  is literally going into effect starting in
                         —Nick Morgan of          ing regulating family offices post the   August. It would require the dealers to
                             Paul Hastings        Archegos blow up.                 report security-based swap positions
                                                    “The most common reaction to the   to a central repository that the SEC
                                                  Archegos unraveling has been varia-  and public has access to,” the general
                                                  tions of ‘Archegos who?’ or ‘Why are   counsel said.
                                                  there no SEC  filings  for Archegos?’”   “If that [regulation] had been in
                                                  Nick  Morgan, a  partner  at  legal   effect before Archegos blew up, the SEC
                                                  defense firm Paul Hastings and a for-  would have seen those trades. Congress

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