Page 26 - Investment Advisor April/May 2022
P. 26

Cover Story

                   In a presentation at the 2021 AICPA conference, I com-  can structure the policy costs to increase competitiveness.
                 pared the relative benefit of investments held in various   Junge notes that “fiduciary financial advisors who under-
                 product  structures.  At  today’s  favorable  capital  gains  tax   stand the benefits of permanent life insurance (PLI), how to
                 rates (which aren’t guaranteed to remain low), the optimal   appropriately size the allocation to PLI relative to a tradi-
                 structure for investing in passive equities is generally an ETF.   tional investment-only diversified stock and bond portfolio,
                 Stocks also benefit from favorable tax treatment on long-term   and how to structure policies designed to reduce the cost
                 gains, a step-up in basis at death, and the ability to make gifts   of insurance and maximize the tax-efficiency benefits, can
                 of appreciated assets.                             significantly improve the financial planning outcomes for
                   Income on bonds is taxed annually at ordinary income rates,   clients. For HNW clients, the longer-term tax-advantaged
                 which can significantly reduce after-tax growth over time.   accumulation and death benefit generally outweighs the early
                 This is particularly true for high-income investors. And higher-  years cost of insurance.”
                 yielding fixed income invest-
                 ments held within ETFs and   “A common criticism of whole                    Building a Plan to
                 mutual funds are particu-                                                    Transfer Wealth
                 larly inefficient when held   life insurance policies is the high            Most ultra-high-net-worth
                 within taxable accounts.  upfront commission, but the present                families have two primary
                   A famous ad notes that                                                     goals: lifestyle and legacy.
                 Guinness beer “only has 125   value of advisor compensation can              An advisor’s job is to devel-
                 calories — not on purpose.”   be lower for a commission product              op a legacy plan that most
                 Similarly, life insurance                                                    efficiently transfers wealth
                 whose cash value is tied to   than a fee product when held for a             at death. Parrish recom-
                 the performance of the gen-                                                  mends taking advantage of
                 eral account is exactly the         long period of time.”                    the historically high cur-
                 type of investment that ben-                                                 rent estate and generation-
                 efits the most from being held in an insurance wrapper. The   skipping trust (GST) exemptions today to buy a life insurance
                 purpose of the general account portfolio is to provide the high-  policy under the exemption limit.
                 est returns on safe investments used by insurance companies   “If the wealthy individual has an unused $12 million estate
                 to fund intermediate- and long-term liabilities. In other words,   and GST exemption, use it to pay a single premium for a life
                 the insurance company hires professional investors to build a   insurance policy that may buy, say, a $28 million death benefit.
                 broadly diversified portfolio of bonds that capture both credit   Put it in a GST trust, and you’ve already skipped a generation,
                 and mortality premiums for policyholders.          perpetuating the dynasty trust. Add in more sophisticated
                   Ross  Junge,  a  chartered  financial  analyst  and  partner  at   techniques like private split dollar and generational split dol-
                 McGill Junge Wealth Management in Des Moines, Iowa, is   lar, and there is potential to further leverage up the gift. The
                 an expert in working with high-net-worth clients to leverage   bottom line is that you avoid estate tax on two generations
                 the benefits of whole life insurance products that incorporate   through an asset that also is income tax free,” he says.
                 a general account portfolio. Junge notes that whole life helps   Both Parrish and Junge also recommend the use of life
                 “improve tax efficient accumulation, portfolio diversification,   insurance within an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) for
                 and  multigenerational  estate  tax  planning  outcomes  when   wealthy clients. According to Parrish, “the good old fashioned
                 integrated with traditional investments for the benefit  of   ILIT with Crummey power gifts remains one of the most
                 HNW clients.”                                      powerful estate planning tools for HNW individuals. Done
                   How does a whole life policy integrate with traditional   properly, you completely avoid gift tax, estate tax and income
                 investment portfolios? Growth in the cash value of the policy   tax on your bequest to future generations.”
                 rises over time but, unlike a bond mutual fund that holds simi-  Junge sees the ILIT as a transition for an insurance policy
                 lar intermediate-term corporate bond-like assets, does not fall   that initially serves the purpose of protecting against pre-
                 when interest rates or credit spreads rise. This steady growth   mature death, but in the long term becomes a valuable part
                 can reduce the volatility of a client’s total wealth, allowing a   of  estate  planning  when HNW  families  shift  their  primary
                 higher optimal allocation of equities — particularly in taxable   objective to estate planning. According to Junge, “if the irre-
                 investment accounts.                               vocable trust is properly structured as a Generation Skipping
                   A common criticism of whole life insurance policies is the   Trust  (GST)  Trust,  clients  also  can  avoid  estate  tax  on  mul-
                 high upfront commission, but the present value of advisor   tiple future generations thus perpetuating multi-generational
                 compensation can be lower for a commission product than a   wealth transfer strategies.”
                 fee product when held for a long period of time. Agents also   If estate planning strategies that involve the use of life

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