Page 3 - Investment Advisor February/March 2023
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                 RIAs Open to New Billing Methods: Study

                 RIA firms are increasingly trying billing
                 systems beyond the traditional quarterly
                 method that’s been used in the sector for
                 many years thanks to the introduction of
                 technology that has made it significantly
                 easier for advisors to use other billing
                 systems, according to a new white paper
                 by Advyzon called “What Fee Models
                 Are Advisors Using?”
                   For instance, one clear takeaway is
                 there are “many, many ways that advisors
                 are billing their clients” today, according   cash flow for the advisor, the advisor now   officially do in the paper … these trends
                 to Charles Rowlan, senior vice president   gets paid 12 times a year, but they’re tak-  are compounded.” Among breakaway RIA
                 of business development at Advyzon and   ing 12 snapshots a year, which is likely   firms, the percentage of those firms that are
                 the main author of the white paper. “I   more fair to both parties as well. And   “electing to go with monthly billing, average
                 don’t think any particular way is right or   that’s even compounded with the use of   daily billing [and] flat-rate billing is even
                 wrong,” he said. “I think advisors have lots   a daily average billing.”  higher than what the study would show.”
                 of choice depending on what works best   Noting that it’s the second time   The data point that stood out most from
                 for the advisor as well as their end client.”  Advyzon has issued this type of study,   the study for Rowlan was that the percent-
                   The largest driver behind this change   Rowlan said it’s “pretty intriguing that   age of RIA firms using average daily bal-
                 has been technology, he said. “One of the   flat-fee monthly billing and average daily   ances grew from 16% in 2021 to 19% in
                 reasons why there’s more variability in   are [both] trending up.” Meanwhile,   2022, he said. “That’s going to be one of
                 billing styles than there once was is due   “another thing that I think we can provide   those metrics where, if you were to look
                 to technological tools that give advisors   more data around in future years” of the   backwards and go back several years ago,
                 the ability to use some of these styles that   planned annual study is “these different   the percentage of firms that were using an
                 were once less popular. They’re becoming   billing styles — particularly monthly bill-  average daily balance was close to zero.”
                 more popular because they’re not as hard   ing, average daily, flat-fee — they’re even   But Rowlan explained: “Average daily bill-
                 to execute as they once were.”    more popular [among] breakaway firms.”  ing is an extremely fair way to bill for both
                   But we’re also “seeing advisors make   The study was based on about 1,000   the client and the advisor. I believe that it’s
                 choices” now when it comes to billing   RIA firms. “This is not a survey,” he   very difficult to find an objection to billing
                 “to basically smooth out their cash flow,”   stressed, noting: “We didn’t send out a   using that [method] other than ‘I don’t
                 Rowlan pointed out. “More advisors   survey and allow advisors to respond back   have the tools to make it happen.’” Another
                 are choosing things like monthly billing.   with how they bill.” Rather, Advyzon is able   data point from the study that stands out
                 More advisors are choosing flat-fee bill-  to “look at live data and see how firms are   to him is that the percentage of RIAs using
                 ing. So they’re taking out some of the   actually billing” thanks to its billing tech   a flat fee grew from 26% to 39% in 2022.
                 variability in their billing.”    tools, he said. Of the firms that Advyzon   He was quick to point out that doesn’t
                   Prior to this, the “traditional billing   serves, about 33% are breakaway firms.   mean that percentage of firms was using
                 mechanism has always been quarterly in   “The other two-thirds are … firms that are   a flat fee exclusively. “What this means
                 advance [in which] advisors were being   existing RIA firms [that] have been around   is that this percentage of firms are using
                 paid four times a year and account bal-
                                                                                     flat fees with at least one client. [But it’s]
                                                   for a while,” Rowlan explained.
             Adobe Stock  ances were being evaluated four times   the data that’s in this study and you look   still significant that many firms are lever-
                                                     With that in mind, he noted: “If you take
                                                                                     aging a flat fee in at least some cases”
                 a year,” he noted. “Moving to a monthly
                                                   at it in those buckets, which we didn’t
                 billing [cycle] not only smooths out the
                                                                                     now. —Jeff Berman
                           INVESTMENT ADVISOR (ISSN 1069-1730) is published 7 times a year in February, April, June, July, September, November and December. ALM Global, LLC, 150 East 42nd Street, Mezzanine Level, New York, NY 10017.
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