Page 20 - Investment Advisor - Jan/Feb 2021
P. 20


                  These  and  many  other  sustainable   “We are talking about resilience,” wrote   social, and governance (ESG) matters
                investing initiatives are taking place   Nathan Hunt of S&P Global. “Change   that could influence a company’s long-
                against a backdrop of shifting perspec-  is upon us — environmental change,   term performance.”
                tives on sustainability issues, which was   social change, technological change, and   Fleming’s office suggested reversal of
                a key topic in many investment outlook   geo-political change. ESG scores, bench-  what the Investor Advocate Office consid-
                webinars and briefings this reporter   marks, and data are a way of measuring   ered “the most troubling recent actions”
                attended in the past two months.   a  company’s  or  a  portfolio’s  ability  to   of the commission: the shareholder pro-
                  “It used to be about how much   weather that change effectively.”  posal rule, the proxy advisory firm rules,
                investors were willing to give up to   Through  the  third  quarter,  a rulemaking to “harmonize” various
                achieve sustainability objectives,” said   Morningstar found that nearly three-  Securities Act registration exemptions,
                Jean Boivin, head of the BlackRock   quarters  of  sustainable  equity  funds   and a rulemaking related to inverse and
                Investment Institute. “Now it’s not   placed in the top halves of their quar-  leveraged exchange-traded funds.
                about the tradeoff but about sustainabil-  tiles and 45% placed in the top quartile.  The launch of the first nontranspar-
                ity as a driver of returns, which will play   “Given where the world is headed,   ent ETFs during 2020 represented “a
                out over years.”                  companies that have ESG issues better   significant milestone for the ETF indus-
                  William Davies, head of global equi-  managed or embedded … will be attrac-  try while triggering potential new inves-
                ties at Columbia Threadneedle, said,   tive growth prospects in the coming   tor protection concerns,” the 96-page
                “Whenever we look at a company we   years,” Hale said.              report states.
                need to look at ESG factors because that   He  encourages  advisors  to be  more   As the report explains, unlike tradi-
                will have an impact on the risk of a com-  proactive about sustainable investing,   tional ETFs, nontransparent ETFs are
                pany and its potential rewards.”   asking clients about their preferences,   not required to disclose their portfolio
                  Taking ESG factors into account   preparing for their responses and put-  holdings on a daily basis. This fea-
                “leads to better investment outcomes, “   ting together a solution that they think   ture enables asset managers to utilize
                said Jody Jonsson, portfolio manager at   will fit client needs.    the ETF structure for active portfolio
                Capital Group.                      “Prepare for a general investment   management strategies without expos-
                  That has been borne out by some   solution; it doesn’t have to be custom-  ing their proprietary strategies to the
                investment returns this year.     ized for everybody,” Hale said, point-  marketplace. The feature also necessi-
                                                  ing to a wide range of solutions from   tates,  however,  that  a  nontransparent
                PERFORMANCE FACTS                 basic ESG-tilted portfolios all the way   ETF find a satisfactory replacement
                An analysis by S&P Global published in   to focused impact funds, as well as   or substitute for the transparency-
                late December found that as the year   model portfolios.            based arbitrage mechanism that has
                progressed the performance of the S&P   Morningstar recently began formally   been at the conceptual core of ETFs
                500 ESG Index, which includes 300 of   integrating ESG factors into its analysis   for decades.
                the S&P 500 companies, those with rela-  of stocks, funds and asset managers,   “Given the very recent launch of
                tively higher ESG scores outperformed   starting with analysis of more than 145   these products, it is too early for us to
                the S&P 500 by close to 2%.       funds and 40 asset managers.      conclude whether the various arbitrage
                                                                                    mechanisms utilized by nontranspar-
                                                                                    ent ETFs are as safe and effective as
                SEC’s Investor Advocate Decries                                     the traditional, transparency-based ETF
                                                                                    arbitrage mechanism,” the report notes.
                Deregulatory Agenda Under Clayton                                     The Office of the Investor Advocate
                                                                                    was created by the Dodd-Frank Act.
                    he Securities and Exchange    SEC’s Office  of  the Investor  Advocate   Fleming was the first person named to
                TCommission’s deregulatory agenda   also told lawmakers that the commission   the post in 2014. Though he reports to
                under former Chairman Jay Clayton,   also failed to “prioritize repairs to the   the SEC chair, he submits two reports a
                characterized  as  efforts  to  “modern-  antiquated infrastructure of the proxy   year directly to Congress.
                ize” or “streamline” rules, diminished   voting system, bypassed opportunities to
                investor protections, according to SEC   make disclosures machine-readable, and   Bernice Napach can be reached at bnapach@
                Investor Advocate Rick Fleming.   failed to establish a coherent framework Washington Bureau Chief Melanie
                  In its year-end report to Congress, the   for the disclosure of environmental,   Waddell can be reached at [email protected].

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