Page 15 - Investment Advisor - Jan/Feb 2021
P. 15


                By Timothy D. Welsh

                How to Build the ‘Perfect’ Advisory Firm

                It’s not rocket science, but it does require a tight game plan to address
                seven key business areas.

                      ports athletes strive to perfect
                      their talent to achieve the highest
                Slevels, and there are a number of
                ways to define that pinnacle. Typically,
                it’s based on a set of difficult criteria
                that athletes must complete to be con-
                sidered “perfect.”
                  For example, in baseball, that per-
                fection is a perfect game — 27 up, 27
                down — no walks, no hits, no errors, no
                hit batters and no fielder’s interference.
                In bowling, it’s 12 strikes in a row for a
                score of 300. In golf, it’s a hole in one. In
                tennis, it’s a love set.
                  There’s no prescription or required
                methods for accomplishing perfection
                in any of these endeavors. You just have
                to get there. The hole-in-one that landed
                right in the cup counts just the same as   ment, asset, advisory, etc. — we won’t   Our target market can be defined by
                the wayward tee shot that hit two trees,   stand out in that crowd.   many  factors  —  demographics,  wealth
                a rock, bounced off the sand trap rake   Also, we don’t want a made-up   levels, occupations, financial planning
                and rolled in.                    word, or an ancient Greek or Latin   needs, technical specialties and more —
                  If  we  were  to  extend  this  model of   phrase. We would constantly have to   all of which we need to sort through to
                perfection in sports to the business of   explain what it is, what it means and   determine which niche to pursue.
                advice, here’s how it might manifest   what we do.                    It has to be a niche that helps us
                itself in a theoretical “perfect” advisory   But through much research and   stand out and enables us to become spe-
                firm that can stand the test of time.  diligence, we’ll come up with a name   cialists and experts in our target market.
                                                  that’s compelling, differentiated and   That way we become memorable, dif-
                THE RIGHT NAME                    communicates how our brand will res-  ferentiated and referable to our specific
                First, we need a brand and a name   onate with our target market and can   target clients — we can’t be all things to
                for this high-promise operation. This   resonate across its digital and social   all people.
                seems simple enough, however, it’s   media channels.                  By specializing in a niche, we drasti-
                probably the  most difficult  and ardu-                             cally simplify our operational footprint,
                ous challenge. The brand and name   SET A TARGET MARKET             staffing  levels  and  corresponding  over-
                must convey the experience that we   Underlying our branding is the selec-  head costs. This move also allows us to
                want clients, staff and the community   tion of our target market, meaning who   establish a defined set of services for our
                to experience, while differentiating us
                                                                                    client niche, leading to a virtuous cycle
                                                  we want to work with, who most needs
              bizvector/Shutterstock  there’s no real enterprise value in it for   premium price for them. While we are   TECHNOLOGY STACK
                                                  our services and who’s willing to pay a
                                                                                    of referrals to similar people.
                in a sea of competitors.
                  We can’t use our last name, since
                                                  dedicated overall to helping people, we
                future owners. Plus, we have to stay
                                                  do need to have a highly profitable busi-
                                                                                    Next, we need an operational technol-
                                                                                    ogy stack. Of course, there are many fab-
                                                  ness so that we can fund ongoing opera-
                away from the thousands of clichéd
                names using wealth, capital, manage-
                                                                                    ulous options of unified systems, wealth
                                                  tions and growth.
                                                                               JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 13
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