Margie Barrie
Margie Barrie, an agent with ACSIA Partners, has been writing the LTCI Insider column since 2000. She is the author of two books and a frequent conference speaker.
December 03, 2014
7 Ways to Fight the Holiday Blues
October 30, 2014
2 ways to increase LTC product sales
October 09, 2014
7 ways to count your clients' days
August 27, 2014
4 things you should know: LTCI paramedical exams
August 27, 2014
4 things you should know: LTCI paramedical exams
August 06, 2014
4 insurer methods for covering an LTCI client who's almost in
August 06, 2014
4 insurer methods for covering an LTCI client who's almost in
June 02, 2014
Explaining LTCI rate increases
June 02, 2014