Tax Facts

9141 / What other considerations exist regarding digital assets in estate planning?

Here are some additional tips and suggestions regarding digital assets in estate planning:

  1. Make as many decisions in advance at possible. The more choices a person makes about digital assets, and incorporate them into digital estate planning, the better are the chances that those wishes will be carried out after death.
  2. Legislative developments. Make sure to keep up with developments regarding state enactment of legislation regarding digital asset protection, particularly the (Revised) Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act.
  3. Online guides. There are a number of online information sources, including guides, worksheets, checklists, and other helpful tools for planning the disposition of digital assets after death.
  4. Eliminating any ‘skeletons’ in the closet.1 Questionable browser history, racy photographs, and private health conditions are just a few posthumous scandals a client might want to avoid.

1., “How to Eliminate All the Skeletons in Your Closet after You Die”; see also, “Checklist: How to Identify Skeletons in Your Closet” at (accessed Aug. 23, 2023).

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