Tax Facts

9001 / What is an IRC Section 303 stock redemption? How is a Section 303 redemption useful in the context of a closely-held corporation?

IRC Section 303 was enacted expressly to help solve the liquidity problems frequently faced by estates that are comprised largely of stock in a closely-held corporation, and to protect small businesses from forced liquidations or mergers due to the impact of estate taxes. Within the limits of IRC Section 303, surplus can be withdrawn from the corporation income tax-free.

In certain instances, stock of a public corporation also may be redeemed under IRC Section 303.

Any payments by a corporation to a shareholder generally are treated as dividends (see Q 8999). Despite this, under certain circumstances IRC Section 303 allows a corporation to redeem part of a deceased stockholder’s shares without the redemption being treated as a dividend. Instead, the redemption price will be treated as payment in exchange for the stock in a capital transaction.

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