Tax Facts

8505 / Who is a “qualifying person” for purposes of determining head of household filing status?

As discussed in Q 8504, in order to claim head of household filing status, an individual must maintain a home for a “qualifying person.” A “qualifying person” is a:
1. “Qualifying child” (i.e., son, daughter, or grandchild) who is either:

(a)  Single (even if an exemption cannot be claimed for the person); or

(b)  Married and can be claimed as an exemption (although note that the exemption itself was suspended for 2018-2025).

2. “Qualifying relative” who is the individual’s father or mother and for whom an exemption can be claimed.
3. “Qualifying relative” other than a parent (i.e., grandparent, brother, or sister) for whom an exemption can be claimed.1

1.   IRC § 2(b)(1); IRS Publication 17.

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