781 / What items of tax preference must be added to alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI)?
Items of tax preference which must be added to AMTI (see Q 778 and Q 780) include: (1) the excess of depletion over the adjusted basis of property (except in the case of certain independent producers and royalty owners); (2) the excess of intangible drilling costs expensed (other than drilling costs of a nonproductive well) over the amount allowable for the year if the intangible drilling costs had been amortized over a 10-year period to the extent the excess is greater than 65 percent of the net income from oil, gas, and geothermal properties (with an exception for certain independent producers); (3) tax-exempt interest on specified private activity bonds (but reduced by any deduction not allowed in computing the regular tax if the deduction would have been allowable if the tax-exempt interest were includable in gross income) (ARRA 2009 provides that tax-exempt interest from private activity bonds issued during 2009 and 2010 is not a tax preference); (4) accelerated depreciation or amortization on certain property placed in service before 1987; and (5) seven percent of the amount excluded under IRC Section 1202 (gain on sales of certain small business stock).1