Tax Facts

7 / Is the interest increment earned on prepaid life insurance premiums taxable income?

Yes. Any increment in the value of prepaid life insurance or annuity premiums or premium deposit funds constitutes taxable income in the year it is applied to the payment of a premium or is made available for withdrawal, whichever occurs first.1 The interest treated as taxable income, however, will be included in the cost basis of the contract. Thus, for purposes of IRC Section 72, the cost of the contract would be the amount of premiums paid other than by discount, plus the amount of discounted funds and any increments on such funds that were subject to income taxation. The rule taxing interest increments has no applicability, however, to single premium policies. A later ruling explains in detail how the interest will be taxed.2

1. Rev. Rul. 65-199, 1965-2 CB 20.

2. Rev. Rul. 66-120, 1966-1 CB 14.

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