Tax Facts

490 / May an employer deduct as a business expense qualified long-term care insurance premiums paid for employees?


An employer plan providing coverage under a qualified long-term care insurance contract is treated as an accident and health insurance plan with respect to this coverage.1 An employer generally may deduct health insurance premiums paid for employees as a business expense ( Q 330). Thus, premiums for a qualified long-term care insurance contract paid by an employer for employees are similarly deductible.

Planning Point: The amount deductible can vary depending on the business structure, which is summarized by the table below.

Tax Deduction

(see Eligible LTC Premiums for 2025 ( Q 487))

For the Business Actual premium may be deductible when sole proprietor, S-Corp, LLC or partnership purchases QLTCI for employees Actual premium may be deductible when a C-Corp purchases QLTCI on owners, employees, spouses or dependents
Eligible premium may be deductible when sole proprietor, S-Corp, LLC or partnership purchases QLTCI for owners, spouses or dependents
For its Employees Eligible premium may be deductible when an employee purchases his own QLTCI

Because the business is able to deduct “actual premiums,” the limit is generally based on what is considered “reasonable” in comparison to income, a test which is generous. This is just one of the reasons we tend to find higher-premium, limited-payment plans in the executive carve-out worksite space. Whereas an individual would find his deduction capped, and not be able to fully take advantage of a large premium (say, $10,000 per year), this same amount, were it paid by his C corporation employer, would likely be fully deductible to the company.

Having said that, in the situation described above (e.g., an individual with a limited-pay policy whose premium greatly exceeds the eligible premium limit), some have suggested amortizing the applicable deduction over the individual’s life expectancy.

1.     IRC § 7702B(a)(3).

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