A Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (“VEBA”) is a tax-exempt entity created to fund life, sick, accident, or certain other benefits ( Q
4118) for members, their dependents, or their designated beneficiaries. A VEBA may be established by an employer or through collective bargaining. A trust created to provide benefits to one employee does not qualify as an employees’ association for purposes of exemption from federal income tax under IRC Section 501(c)(9).
1 Some of the requirements for tax-exempt VEBA status include:
(1) Membership eligibility ( Q 4114);
(2) Nondiscrimination ( Q 4115);
(3) Entities and individuals entitled to maintain control over the VEBA ( Q 4116);
(4) Prohibition on inurement of earnings for the benefit of private shareholders or individuals ( Q 4117).
1. Rev. Rul. 85-199, 1985-2 CB 163.