Tax Facts

3682 / What are the minimum distribution requirements for individual retirement plans?

Amounts accumulated in an individual retirement account or annuity (“IRA”) must be distributed in compliance with the minimum distribution requirements.1 The amount that must be distributed each year according to these rules is commonly referred to as the “required minimum distribution” (or RMD). For the calculation of lifetime distributions, see Q 3686; for after-death distributions, see Q 3687. Reporting requirements pertaining to IRA required minimum distributions are explained in Q 3597.

Roth IRAs are not subject to the lifetime minimum distribution requirements, but are subject to the after-death distribution requirements explained in Q 3687.

Traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs (non-Roth IRAs) generally are subject to the same minimum distribution requirements that apply to qualified plans, with some variations ( Q 3892 to Q 3910).2 The required beginning date for lifetime distributions from non-Roth IRAs is April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the individual attains age 73 (72 for 2020-2022, 70½ prior to 2020) ( Q 3686).3 Under pre-SECURE Act law, an individual reached age 70½ on the date that is six calendar months after his or her 70th birthday.4

Planning Point: The 2020 CARES Act waived RMDs from IRAs and other defined contribution plans for calendar year 2020. The five-year rule is also determined without regard to 2020.

While the CARES Act waived all RMDs for 2020, the law was enacted after some taxpayers had already taken their 2020 RMDs early in the year. For those who took RMDs early in the year, the 60-day rollover period had already expired. In response, the IRS announced that anyone who took a 2020 RMD was eligible to roll the funds back into their account penalty-free. The 60-day rollover period was extended through August 31, 2020. Further, the rollover does not count toward the otherwise applicable “one rollover per 12-month period” rule or the restriction on rollovers for inherited IRAs.5

1.   IRC §§ 408(a)(6), 408(b)(3), 401(a)(9).

2.   Treas. Reg. § 1.408-8, A-1, A-2.

3.   Treas. Reg. § 1.408-8, A-3.

4.   Treas. Reg. § 1.401(a)(9)-2, A-3.

5.   Notice 2020-51.

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