Canada does not have estate taxes. However, the provinces in Canada levy probate taxes. Canadian probate taxes are narrower in application than U.S. estate tax.1 For example, Ontario probate taxes will apply on assets that are the subject of a will probated in Ontario, but will not apply to real property situated outside Ontario.
U.S. Individuals residing in Canada will need to consider both U.S. and Canadian tax in their estate planning.
Special care needs to be taken in developing succession plans for U.S. citizens resident in Canada due to the potential for mismatch in tax treatment of individuals in Canada versus the U.S. As these individuals are potentially subject to both the ITA and Internal Revenue Code, care must be taken to ensure that any estate plan is advantageous under both. There are many traps that can catch taxpayers dealing with both systems. Seeking professional advice from cross-border proficient advisors is well advised if you are a U.S. citizen who lives in Canada or who has assets situated in Canada.