Tax Facts

CC—Discounted Dollars

The death benefits of a life insurance contract are often referred to as “discounted,” in the sense that payment of a relatively small yearly premium, from 1 to 5 percent of the death benefit, depending upon age and rating category, will guarantee that the full face amount will be available when needed.

In this sense, the purchase of life insurance is analogous to theleverageobtained by the individual who invests in property with a small down payment and a large mortgage. The investor expects to benefit from the future appreciation of an asset worth many times his cash investment, whereas payment of modest insurance premiums enables the insured to provide a substantial death benefit as security for his family.

WITH INSURANCE, assume that a 35-year-old insured purchases $100,000 of level death protection for his family requiring an annual premium of $1,000 per year. This purchase guarantees $100,000 of discounted dollars payable upon death at any time. Thediscountis represented by the difference between the death benefit andcumulative premiumspaid. After 20 years the discount would amount to $80,000 ($100,000 - $20,000). If our insured lives for 40 years and pays premiums totaling $40,000 there is still a discount of $60,000.

WITHOUT INSURANCE, a surviving family might be forced to borrow in order to pay estate settlement costs. Repaying a 6 percent loan of $100,000 in 10 equal annual installments requires total payments of $135,870. If the family were able to obtain a 40-year loan under the same terms, its total payments would be $265,880. However, it is unlikely that a surviving family would be able to borrow money at only 6 percent interest. A more realistic rate would probably be 12 percent, in which case the family’s total repayments are more likely to be $176,990 over 10 years, or $485,240 over 40 years.

Paying estate settlement costs with the discounted dollars of life insurance is far better than putting a surviving family in the position of having to borrow large sums of money at high rates of interest. Most families would find it far easier to pay premiums totaling $40,000 over a 40-year period than to make loan repayments of $485,240 over a similar period of time. Properly arranged, the discounted dollars provided from a life insurance contract will be received untouched, untaxed, and on time:untouchedin that they are paid directly to the beneficiary;untaxedin that they are free of income and estate taxes; andon timein that they are paid when needed, whenever death occurs.

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