Lifestyle Planning
Learn what experts and top advisors say about the best ways to work with clients to determine and build successful lifestyle plans.
How exercising at work saves money
By Staff WriterWhats typically the first activity we cut when our daily life gets too busy?
September 10, 2012
On the road: How to produce great work while traveling the worldWanderlust has been a defining American trait since the beginning of, well, America.
May 01, 2010
Of Morale and LeverageOne of the major problems with hiring your spouse into your practice may not be you or your spouse, but your existing staff. How are...
April 18, 2004
Lifestyle Drugs: To Cover or Not to Cover?Sales of lifestyle drugs are booming.Fueled by growing demand from an aging population, the market for drugs used to treat conditions such as infertility, hair ...
July 02, 2003
Humana Introduces Pharmacy Allowance ProgramNU Online News Service, July 2, 2003, 11:48 a.m. EDT -- Humana Inc., Louisville, Ky., is introducing the RxAllowance pharmacy allowance program, a program ...