Income Planning
Learn what experts and top advisors say about the best ways to work with clients to determine and build successful retirement income plans.
November 01, 2008
IRAs: An Untapped ResourceIndividual retirement accounts (IRAs) have been around for years, but many taxpayers still fail to take advantage of the accounts, according to a recent study...
November 01, 2008
Balancing Predictability and VolatilityThe market's volatility has reinforced the need for diversification among income sources in retired clients' portfolios, and a recent study, "Four Strategies for Retiring Clients,"...
November 01, 2008
Reinvesting Profits to Generate IncomeStephan Cassaday, CEO of Cassaday & Company, Inc., has developed a retirement investment process that he uses to make sure retirees do not outlive their...
November 01, 2008
401(k)s in CrisisSince the financial meltdown took hold, one thing is certain: investors' 401(k) accounts have dropped. The retirement planning industry, along with Congress, is trying to...
November 01, 2008
Your Clients' Unretirement"In the annuity space, traditionally, products have offered guaranteed lifetime steams of income. That might be fine for people who are going to work all...
November 01, 2008
Models and RealityDiscussions with Retirement Income Industry Association board members, such as Tom Johnson from MassMutual, often start with this question: What are the core discussions that...
November 01, 2008
The Retirement AngleConditions are improving for the increased use of exchange-traded funds in 401(k) plans, according to their proponents in the third-party administrator and investment fields. Before...
November 01, 2008
How to Become a Great Mutual Fund CompanyA quarter of a century ago, the lion was on top. Dreyfus was the biggest mutual fund complex in the world, having built its empire...
October 31, 2008
No one is short on theories about taking required minimum distributionThere are all kinds of theories associated with taking required minimum distributions, as is evidenced by the different approaches detailed by financial advisors interviewed by Income Planning.
October 30, 2008
Boomers and benefits61% - Percentage of working boomers who would like their employers to provide more consultation on benefits. 58% - Percentage of working boomers who...