Read about the latest individual retirement news and developments, including insights into successful IRA planning and IRA investment strategies.
February 21, 2012
Senate Bill Threatens Life of Stretch IRAsIndustry trade groups are up in arms over a provision in a Senate highway bill that would reduce the value of inherited IRAs, commonly referred to as stretch IRAs, and are determined to have it removed.
February 13, 2012
Outlaw Stretch IRAs to Pay for a Highway Bill? Nice TryFor a fleeting moment last week, it looked like the whole Stretch IRA concept was in danger of becoming illegal when some lawmakers went looking for a way to fund, of all things, a highway bill.
January 26, 2012
The Biggest IRA MistakeAn IRA or an annuity owned inside an IRA may not automatically roll over to a surviving spouse.
January 23, 2012
Is This Simple But Costly Mistake Lurking in Your Clients’ IRAs?Make sure your clients check and recheck their beneficiary designations.
November 17, 2011
When Do IRAs and Annuities Mix? (Advisor One)Annuities can be purchased inside an IRA, but is an IRA the right home for an annuity?
November 17, 2011
When Do IRAs and Annuities Mix? (Advisor One)Annuities can be purchased inside an IRA, but is an IRA the right home for an annuity?
November 13, 2011
When Do IRAs and Annuities Mix?Annuities can be purchased inside an IRA, but is an IRA the right home for an annuity?
October 04, 2011
DOL Eyes IRA Exemptions to Fiduciary Rule on Revenue Sharing, Principal TradesAt FSI gathering, DOL official says reproposed fiduciary rule on IRAs may include exemptions around revenue sharing and principal trades.
October 03, 2011
Borzi to AdvisorOne: Fiduciary Reproposal Will Include IRAsPhyllis Borzi, head of the DOL's Employee Benefits Security Administration, told AdvisorOne on Monday that the DOLs reproposed rule on fiduciary will be applied to IRAs. We believe its a critical part, of the rule, Borzi told AdvisorOne.
August 02, 2011
ASPPA: Why is Labor Trying to Regulate IRAs?The American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries says the U.S. Labor Department should keep individual retirement accounts out of a proposed update of the retirement plan fiduciary definition.