Read about the latest individual retirement news and developments, including insights into successful IRA planning and IRA investment strategies.
August 02, 2018
529 Plans vs. Roth IRAs: Which Is Better for College Savings?Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of, explains the differences, but in most cases the winner is clear.
May 15, 2018
Assets in IRAs Top DC Plan Assets by 41%: EBRIIRA growth "at least partially attributable to rollovers from assets built up in employment-based plans," EBRI says.
November 02, 2017
GOP Tax Plan Spares 401(k)s, Targets IRAsWhile retirement savings provisions look to be unaltered, the bill eliminates the recharacterization of IRA contributions.
September 15, 2017
RMDs Drive IRA Withdrawal Decisions: EBRIIRA owners arent dipping into their accounts unless they have to, EBRI found.
August 01, 2017
Judge Hammers DOL on Fiduciary Rule’s BICEIm sort of befuddled about why this whole hornet's nest was created, a judge on the three-judge panel said.
July 07, 2017
IRAs Not Serving Intended Savers: CRRIRAs were intended for less well-off workers who lack employer-sponsored retirement plans, but that's not where most inflows are coming from, CRR reports.
May 18, 2017
Trump Enacts Law Killing Safe Harbor for State-Run Auto-IRAsH.J.Res 66 closes an Obama-era loophole that made it easier for states to establish auto-enrollment retirement plans without running afoul of ERISA.
March 06, 2017
Mixing Medicare and IRAs to Build Client Tax SavingsReducing income by making qualified charitable distributions from an IRA can provide a health care financing solution for some clients in retirement.
February 10, 2017
IRA assets move out from under the mattressEBRI shows how retirement savers have reallocated assets since the end of the Great Recession.
November 21, 2016
6 Tax-Law Time Bombs Affecting IRAsSome of these items have been in federal budget proposals for years. It may be only a matter of time before they become law.