Income Investing
Learn about the latest trends in income investing, including strategies for pre- and post-retirement.
July 07, 2021
4 Reasons to Rethink Adding Bitcoin to a 60/40 PortfolioEven a small amount of Bitcoin can have an outsize effect on a retirement portfolio, a Morningstar analyst warns.
May 18, 2021
Today's Top 3 Retirement Decisions: BenzAdvisors should help their clients review these key questions and then decide what answers make most sense, Morningstar's personal finance expert says.
May 06, 2021
Wade Pfau Makes Case for Raising Top Social Security Claiming Age to 72Letting retirees further delay claiming, while allowing benefits to rise, would be more helpful than delaying RMDs, he tells ThinkAdvisor.
April 23, 2021
Would a Higher Capital Gains Tax Be Trouble for Retirees?Roth conversions, life insurance and HSAs could "get a boost" if investors expect a tax hike, Jamie Hopkins tells ThinkAdvisor.
April 14, 2021
How Financial Advisors Are Protecting Retirees From InflationMorningstar's Christine Benz outlines three ways to protect against inflation. We asked advisors for their ideas.
March 12, 2021
How Low-Volatility Stocks Can Enhance a 60/40 Retirement PortfolioA "quality low-volatility" strategy may be especially useful for clients who want to boost returns without increasing their equity allocation.
January 27, 2021
5 Ways COVID-19 Has Increased Women's Retirement WorriesA large majority of women state that the pandemic has hurt their future savings.
January 26, 2021
'Stan the Annuity Man': Why the 'Annuity Truth' Beats the Annuity Dream"I wish the annuity industry would just be brutally frank about these products," the straight-talking annuity advocate tells ThinkAdvisor.
January 11, 2021
Retirement Literacy Among Women (and Men) Is Woefully Low: SurveyWomen scored worse than men on a test of retirement literacy, but they're also more open to financial advice, according to The American College.
December 30, 2020
Do 70/30 Portfolios Make Sense for Retirees?Morningstar's Christine Benz reviews the holdings of a couple in their 70s, who asked if their portfolio could benefit from a makeover.